Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Verbal Diarhhea

Seems I have the verbal trots today.

Watched that mad bugger Dave Chappelle last night. Now my all time favourite joke/skit of his was the white power skit where he plays the blind black guy who was head of the white supremacist movement. Goddamn that was the funniest thing I think Ive ever seen on TV. Seems though that young Dave has been copping some shit about it in the US. (USA: place where no-one can take a damn joke about ANYTHING).

I mean to say it is hard to take red neck back woods morons seriously anyway so making jokes about them is just too easy. The last white supremecist I saw on TV had to take out an advert in the local paper 'wanted: brain cell to make up the pair'.

Come on guys give Dave Chappelle a break that was some funny shit.
Show seems to get shorter n shorter every week though.

I find it equally hard to take some born again types seriously too. You know the ones - only going cuz its 'trendy' n only attend the church that 'everyones talking about it -its THE place to worship'.
Now personally I think yer all daft. I see the same mass hysteria working in a church service as Hitler et al utilised at places like Nuremburg. N you can gat all huffy puffy if you want but you know tis true if you wanna be honest. Psychological manipulation. Pure n simple. Same shit happens at a rock concert. Its not god its YOUR BRAIN fucking with you. Endorphins are cool in moderation.
But hey... if it makes you feel good about yourself go for it. Doesnt mean you have to right to shove it down my throat though. As I said b4 I dislike the fake ones who just go cuz all their friends go n go to the trendy places.

As fer those weirdos how put down 'jedi' under religion at the last census. GET A LIFE. Its a movie. It isnt even a very GOOD movie. My GOD the first one was the best n IT was craptacular. I saw in Kmart yesterday some toy maker has hit on a gold mine. He as labeled a big battery powered kids motorcycle 'the darth vader cycle' , n stuck darth vader stickers all over it etc. Now this thing started life as a pretty cruddy plastic harley rip off for kiddies. I am thinking it didnt sell too well eh. Some sat down n said 'lets call it a darth vader bike' n bingo the nerds will love it. Talk about cynical. Talk about knowing your target market are predominantly sheep. bahhhhhhh. If you bought it you deserve it. Darth Vader on a harley pppfffftttt. Star Wars - George Lucas must piss himself to sleep every night on his bed of Ben Franklins.

You ever been asked 'if you could bring back one person from history who would it be?'
I'd bring back Ben Franklin. Dude has to be the single most interesting person ever.


Kassi said...

I'd bring back Mark Tawin ... that man could write

Mongooser said...

I must indeed be an innocent abroad
I would never have thought of weighing the damn boxes :/

N yes Mark Twain would be 2nd on my list - could you imagine he n Ben Franklin together gabbing on?

Mongooser said...

Emporer Claudius too. He seems to me about the most interesting of the Roman emporers.