Tuesday, June 28, 2005

So theyre DEAD so who cares?

I see on MSN news that they reckon exPrincess Dianna n JFKjr had a fling.
I wanna know who cares.
She is dead
He is dead
Get over it.

Come to think (yeah I know... Itll never be deep) it is rather surprising that the PD/JFK link didnt pop up when HE did the John Denver impression while flying his aeroplane.
I mean
We know (well according to shitty womens mags the world over) SHE would do anything with trousers n a pulse. HE had trousers n a pulse so it stood to reason eh. She musta done him.

She never did me n *I* STILL have a pulse. MOst I can claim is pretending to be part of QE2s' security detail when she had her last 'I'm still the Head Of Guvmint' tour 1985 with Prince Phillip on bass.
Yep me n a guy who worked for me stood out the front of our place of business in black suits with lil fake earpieces in n spent ten industrious minutes telling people to stand back, then pausing with hand to earpiece as if listening to instructions, then yes she is due any minute n saying shit like 'position secure RDV in 5 and counting' shit like that, into our wrists ehehehehehehe.
Amazingly people would do as they were told even though they saw us EVERY day.
hah good jape that. AND lizzie waved to us.

1 comment:

Kassi said...

Yep, go pretty much anywhere and look like you know what you're doing and no one will ask any questions. Worked at the hospital for four years before they realised I didn't have ID ...