Wednesday, June 08, 2005

How Things Transpire

You can blame my friend Kassi fo this. Actually I think you should blame the accidental poet... yes it is indeed all your fault - you got kassi started, she got me started.

I don't understand what the women of the world complain about with housework.
My partner has been gone for 2 weeks now and the house only looks like a smallish bomb went off.

Hella easy this washing clothes and vacuuming - leaves time for them to muse about 'fulfilling themselves' or wishing they had more 'me' time. Whatever.
So go do it I say.

Leaves me lots of time to play squash. Not that I do that much.

Oh joy we are about 2 weeks into another intallation of that blight on TV 'Big Brother'. There goes ONE commercial channel for at least 4 months. Thank god for the Simpsons. Hands up if you loath BB like I do? If i wanna watch people in a HOUSE I will look up from damn computer occasionally.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a delight!!! I can be cranky vicariously!!!

I think you should go find your comment on my blog about the scissors and post it here for all the world to read.