Saturday, September 27, 2008

been sick

New car has 4500kms on it already!
Going like a train too. Damned nice to drive. Goes like the powers.

I have the flu. Persistent, annoying, mild version. You get JUST sick enough you think you can go to work. But youre really not well enough to do anything.

Been stood up TWICE by the same chick.

And got stood up it looks like tonight by another just cuz she had a big night last night. fuck this.

gets well old.

May be a hermit

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

here tis

Well Ive got my new car. Its fantastic.
Went down to tend to Beckys grave on Saturday with my friend Heath.
By the time we got back from 11ookms it was revving freer and had a nice twin cammy growl it didnt have when we started the trip. The economy was fantastic. The power is smooth and constant. It handles fantastic and rides almost as well as my Peugeot.
I love it.