Saturday, September 27, 2008

been sick

New car has 4500kms on it already!
Going like a train too. Damned nice to drive. Goes like the powers.

I have the flu. Persistent, annoying, mild version. You get JUST sick enough you think you can go to work. But youre really not well enough to do anything.

Been stood up TWICE by the same chick.

And got stood up it looks like tonight by another just cuz she had a big night last night. fuck this.

gets well old.

May be a hermit


Iron Mike said...

Good, you are getting the unsuitable ones sorted out. Have fun looking. Hope work is going well and remember to take asperin and drink plenty of clear fluids, gin, vodka...

sindy said...

Thanks for the mention funny how you speak of peeps who have stood you up, but no mention of peeps that have showed they care. It works both ways. xo

Mongooser said...

lol righto Sindy...
Why would I rant about nice people?
They know who they are!
Oh n Sin, meet Mike, Mike this is Sindy shes fun, bit touchy but fun.

sindy said...

Hi Mike nice 2 meet you, loved your advise for Craig.

Lisa said...

Hiya! I came in here a few weeks ago and saw your lovely new car. I was green with envy I tell you! I have been talking about buying a Focus for at least 3 years lol honest to God! I love how cute and compact they are, very sexy.

Sorry to hear your feeling blah, and how bloody rude of those girls for standing you up like manners...pretty slack and you know you deserve better than that. Bloody time wasters.

Hi Mike, Hi Sindy (you know, so I don't feel left out)

Big hugs to my Aussie Goosaloo. *squish*