Wednesday, December 28, 2005

more tv stuff (I need to get this off my chest)

Hands up all you who enjoy the TV show 'Lost'.

Yeah figures.

I starrrrrtttttted to watch it when it first came on.
The lost me right about the point that A a short haul passenger jet was being used to fly from Australia to the USA, B it crashed from cruising altitude INTO A MOUNTAIN and wasnt i, completely fucked up and ii, more than one person survived (being generous there I frankly think theyre ALL dead). So they basically lost me in the first what? 5 minutes of the show.

Ferchrissake the ENTIRE tail section of the aeroplane came off in flight! Ferrchrissake the cockpit was found INTACT about 5km from the rest of the aeroplane which (ferrchrissake) looks amazingly like it was delicated dropped on a beach by a crane. What? It was? yeah yeah I know. Ferrchrissake nearly (it seems) the entire passenger compliment SURVIVED. Yeah. It augured in from about 35,000 feet. It was in ATLEAST 2 pieces when it hit. Yeah it is still possible to find not only the cockpit BUT (BUT he says) find one of the PILOTS alive a day or so AFTER the crash.

Fuck me am I watching a remake of Fantasy Island 'boss bits of the plane the plane'.
Atleast Gilligans Island was believable in its' original premise.

Newsflash TVland. Everyone on that flight died. They were GONNA die anyway as the pissy aeroplanes' engines woulda flamed out somewhere over the pacific. Noone survives when aircraft smash into things. People survive buggered up takesoff and landings. People survive when shit goes wrong at VERY low altitude.


This new one



Like... US nuclear subs arent protected against EMP. WTF you think happens when they fire a nuke tipped torpedo at something? huh??? Arnie said it best ... 'if it bleeds we can kill it'
They kept referring to the beasty as a new form of mammal. Then a new form of vertebrate. Then a fuck knows what it was but it sure looked like a bloody big LIZARD to me. Now obviously mammals are all vertebrates so fair enough. But it doesnt look or act like a mammal. It lays eggs like an amphibian (look i know monotremes lay eggs ok ima freakin Aussie we live with the freaky lil critters).
IE it is really reptilian in nature.Where is the fur and/or obvious fat layers n streamlining aquatic mammals exhibit?
Theyve also compleately ignored natures deal with apex predators.
This thing lays eggs like a prey species. Turtles fer example. They lay LOTS of eggs as that way atleast some will survive to maturity. Apex predators do NOT give birth to copious young. They have one or two offspring at a time. This thing lays thousands at a time. Other predators would feed like hell on the little ones so that very few would survive to maturity. So youd find one or two big ones.
You will never find a predatory species coming to dominate the food chain unless the area has been severely interfered with via outside agency. Then they kinda shall we say DIE OUT from lack of food. Predators never outnumber prey. Simple as that. Hell even crocodiles conform. There is never more than one really BIG bastard croc in any one particular stretch of water.

So I dont watch either show as I believe they are both fundimentally flawed.

Now I watch shows like Buffy n Angel etc. I suspect critical disbelief happily. Like the X-files they do not purport to be factual. It is all hocus pocus. Well n good.
When a show is supposed to be a serious drama my old theory 'it is just as easy to get it right and costs no more' is bloody pertinent. NOONE walks away from plane crashes from 35000 feet unless theyve got a bloody parachute ok??


On to Empire. yeah that show about Big Julie getting stabbed in the rotunda (a very painful place so im told). Purporting to be based on true events. Yep.
What bugs me about it is they bandy about terms like 'youll NEVER be Caesar!!!' like 'caesar' is a title.
caesar became a title under Diocletian in about 285AD (IDONT have a book to hand to get the date dead right but it was in his reign that the Tetrarchy was introduced.
In 43BC it was Julius' family NAME.
As G. Julius Caesar adopted his nephew Octavianus as his son then he too was A Caesar not THE Caesar. The Julio- Claudians were all (atleast nominally) born into or adopted in to the family.

Octavian didnt need to sneak about gathering support n whimpering like a snivelling coward at what the senate might do!! He had the entire army of Julius at his back slavering for revenge. Mark Antony only came out against him when the Egypto-Macedonian bitch Cleopatra sank her claws into him. Second triumvirate folks. Look it up look it up.

Oh yeah another coincidence. Watched the first episode of Empire. Mused over the gladiator Tyrannus. Went to the toilet. Sat reading Flavius Josephus The Jewish War (a little light reading heh). There on the page I flipped to casually (With Josephus I play 'lets pick a page') was mentioned the greek slave 'tyrannus'. Id not encountered the name b4 in my readings here n there.

The point of this episode is that the end of the Roman Republic is an exciting story in and of itself. The rise of Augustus and the consolidation of the Roman empire under the rule of one man, while preserving the outward forms of republicanism is an intrisically interesting tale.
It isnt exciting enough? PFFT
There isnt enough intrigue?? PFFFT
boody hollywood just cant help 'making shit better'
I'd love to be marking some morons' ancient history papers after they watch this crap.

Oh yeah I got tools n a toolbox fer Christmas YAY MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Ive had tools b4. NEVER had a good toolbox to put them in. So they tended to get lost. Now I have a fair to middlin chance at fixing my car MYSELF. Hell I already did the ignition timing yesterday! I can now tighten stuff myself. heh

coincidences (really just the one or two I can remember at the moment though theyre always happening to me)

I read a lot. Dunno if I ever mentioned that b4.

Mostly crime fiction. I'm no snob I enjoy American writers and British. I havent found the genre well represented with Australian authors so no comments there.
I do particularly enjoy the ones set in Los Angeles as, having been there I can track the various characters' movements which heightens the enjoyment factor. Big deal eh.I also enjoy the occasional scifi and humorous outpourings.


I finished reading a novel written about 3 -4 years back set in sunny Boston n points thereabouts in which a character nicknamed 'Van Gogh' is killing people n removing their right ears.
so far so good.
One of the victims names is 'Gillfillan'. Weird arsed name that. Never heard it read it imagined it b4.

Finished that book. Picked up 'Better than Life' the sequel to Red Dward (getting my SciFi AND comedy fix in one easy hit). First paragraph mentions 'van gogh'. So the last paragraph in book 1 and the first paragraph in book 2 both mention a Dutch painter. Neither book is about Dutch painters.

Picked up the next book. Crime novel set in Scotland. detective bieng shown around a building by an archaeologist named Gillfillan. freaky shit.
All 3 books picked at random from the local library.

Ive noticed this sort of thing happening a lot. Does this reflect anyone elses' experience?

I seriously thought I had a small electronic transmitting device in my head for a while.
Watch the cricket. I would make some obtuse comment only indirectly related to what we were watching or listening to n about 2 minutes later one of the commentators would say the same thing almost word for word. Happened with the football too. Once or twice you think 'yeah they thought the same thing I did' but continually over 2 years (I am NOT referring to the little catchphrases etc all commentators develope andwhich get imitated by viewers). The Gurl thought I was being paranoid until she started to actually take note of the frequency of the occurences.
Hell they even took shows off when I bagged shit out of them the night b4. As you could imagine I got somewhat nervous.
Hasnt happened for some time now thank the gods.
Talking about the gods
I was playing squash the other day ('NO you were??' I hear you all say aghast) n looked up at the ineffective roof fans n thanked the great god of Squash , Jehengar Khan for bestowing his munificience on a shot I had played. The I realised The great one is still alive. So I had to change it to Hashim Khan as I'm fairly certain he has gone to the great glassbacked court in the sky.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Bloody pets

I miss my old budgerigar :/
berty was a plain green standard budgy. Like you get in the wild. Right size right colour.
He loved watching the cricket, eating lettuce and telling me where the flies were when they managed to get inside.
Bugger got really stroppy if ya turned the cricket off. Went mental in fact. Nothing could be heard over the screech of annoyed bird.

He had good enough hearing he could ascertain when we opened the vege crisper from 2 rooms away. UP n down up n down he would run on his perch whislting happily . Loved lettuce he did.

He hated flies as much as I did. Perhaps more. Always eyeball exactly where they were n make this unique 'theres a fly' chirp. Then do the dance of joy when I came n killed it.

What I particularly enjoyed was when the gurl would hold the mongrel bastard cat up to his cage. THe cat would try to get away to no avail as the mighty beak of Berty came out the cage n nipped him on the nose. Cat hated it. I loved it.

then he would watch intrigued as the powerball lotto draw took place. Then hold his own draw with his coloured ball being rolled down his ladder 7 times (5 n 2 supplimentaries donchano).

Hated being interrupted while he talked about something too. Give you a right serve. Laughed at my jokes.

Not like the stupid cockateil we have now. Bloody noisy bastard. Anyone want a bird?
Though he does duck down n hide when ya say 'peekaboo!' which is cute. Screams NO DEAL NO DEAL whenever Deal or No Deal (Game show here where the host asks the contestant 'deal or no deal') is on tv. Cracks me up but we can NEVER get him to do it when the vidcam is out.

N i dunno who took my dog n why they left this OTHER identical one in his place.
MY dog would look at you like you were a moron if ya walked up n started patting him. Call him with hand signal n he would walk calmly over n sit. This new, WEIRD dog grovels fer pats n attention in general. Sits his head on ya lap fer chrissake! WHERES MY DOG?? The gurl keeps threatening to give him away i say 'you go b4 the dog goes the CAT however.. that smelly little creature can piss off whenever it feels like'. To which I hear 'he is a tom - they all smell bad - he is actually pretty good'. Which is neither here nor there far as Im concerned. I dont have to deal with OTHER cats, just this one.

christmas is nearly here. Done all our shopping cept mebbe two presents. NO mad scrambling in this house this year! First time fer everything eh. as always the problem was to find USEFUL stuff as distinct from fancy looking crap. me I am easy to buy for. Racket grips n squash balls. Easy. A sports shirt in a light colour.

anyhoo have a good holiday season etc

Monday, December 12, 2005

Fear V desire

I went fishing for trout yesterday.
Now I could be acused of being something of a dilettante when it comes to trout fishing.
I go, wander about for a bit, teach one of my lures to swim some n if it looks like jack shit is happening I wander home again. My problem is I like 'sight' fishing.

That means I like to SEE the fish I'm trying to catch. Around here lately that is like pfft... FAT chance mate. Every time Ive been gold panning where I went fishing yesterday Ive seen trout. Yesterday? zip nada, nothing.

Come to think every time I go panning there I get something. Yesterday ? zip etc.
The gurl got very disheartened very fast. Not helped that she isnt feeling real well lately.

We even went up to Sofala last week n yeah got nothing. I know I go at weird times of the day but I usually see SOMETHING. I dont usually use my fly rod though cuz I rarely know if I am doing it right heh

I'm somewhat more puzzled by our lack of success (relatively - we are not trying to find enough gold to retire on - just to say we found some) gold panning as I know generally where n what to do. I ALWAYS get something. Not lately :/

Pretty scared of bloody snakes yesterday. Very overgrown. Very dense foliage. And Warm. Snake time. thankfully we didnt see a single one. Doesnt mean they werent there. Sneaky bastards. THey lurk where you cant see them then BAM strike when you relax for a mere second!! In Australia it is customary to run the pricks over several times when seen on roads so they cant chase you n crawl inside your car , laying in wait.

So the Lebanese boyos in Sydney bash a Cronulla lifesaver or two last weekend. THIS weekend 5000 skips bashed some lebanese who were, lets face it, too stupid to stay away. N its the anglo saxons aussies' fault the whole thing started. Cant figure that out myself. Racial violence sucks. But surely white folks have the right to defend themselves? Are we supposed to roll over on our tummies n play dead while arabic australians abuse young women in the streets (when they arent pack raping them as has happened), assault surf life savers trying to save lives (volunteers all) and who have generally (so it seems) rendered one of Sydneys' favourite beaches a no go zone unless you are of some sort of Arabic descent? Not right. Not right at all.
You lot got a fair go when they came here. you continue to get a fair go. Stop acting like arseholes. Cuz if you act like arseholes eventually a lot of people get the shits n some of them decide to DO something about it.

Anyone wants to call me racist can get fucked too. My exwife is chinese. My favourite uncle is Maltese. One of my best mates is Russian. Hell I even think the poms are ok. I grew up next door to a family of Lebanese refugees. Nicer people you wouldnt meet. They seemed pretty happy to be somewhere noone was shooting at them. I wonder what THEY think of the behaviour of the younger, Australian born generation.
The trouble is if the police arrest the pricks there is an instant bloody furor revolving around the fact they are 'lebanese' or 'muslim' or wherever the hell their anticedents are. NOT that they are little punk arse bastards. There are plenty of white mongrels in gaol across Australia for being pricks. When THEY get arrested noone makes a big deal about it do they? Nope. Arsehole got arrested for being an arsehole. Good.
they all whine about why can't you just accept us n our culture. Well fuck you. Your lot CAME here cuz we dont do shit like that. So stop trying to import your culture of intolerance and hatred here then labeling US as racist because we refuse to accept behaviour from you which we find unacceptable in our own cultural context. Narrow mindedness, petty hatred and conflict is the reason your families came here in the first place. Yet you BRING it with you. If you want to live in a crap world where the inmates run the asylum go back to Lebanon or Iraq or Iran where the rule of law and the human rights you blythely babble about is upheld in such a shining fashion.

Funny thing though. Dont ever seem to have any dramas with the Greeks, Italians, Maltese, Turks n Chinese. Or the Indians, Pakistanis n Sri Lankans. Aside from one or two bad eggs the Vietnamese seem to be a reasonable lot too.
Hell our real national day is a celebration of the fact we INVADED Turkey. Gives them a fair reason not to like us youd think eh. Get along just fine.

Wish we could send a few bloody NEW ZEALANDERS back home though. Can't move fer them on Bondi. It sux. Or sex. Or six. Something like that. Buy a vowel anyone?
I know... as the South Park song goes... 'blame Canada!!!!' Right it is ALL Canadas' fault. Probably them thar FRENCH Canadians. Ca va.

Likewise all you trades unionists from bloody England. Fuck off BACK there ya bastards. You all lobbed here in the late 70s n early 80s AFTER youd royally SCREWED the UK. Why? Cuz there were jobs n education n sun. Did you leave the bullshit behind? No. What a surprise it is to hear the dulcet tones of an english trades unionist banging on about shit here. Trying to fuck this country like they fucked England in the 70s.

If i hear another whining puling moron complain about 'high' interest rates again I think I will be sick. You can tell right away they were gormless twits in the late 80s otherwise theyd remember the recession we had to have when the communists i mean the labor party stuck us with 20% unemployment and 20% interest on HOME loans. (dont ASK what business loans went to - hell I think we should have the right to SUE the labor party for gross missmanagement - they put my father out of business in about 6 months fuck you very much).
How insulting can that lot get too? They had to introduce QUOTAS of women to try to boost the number of women in their party. Condescending bastards. If theyre good enough theyll get a run if they arent they wont. Simple. This is the system that gave us Roz Kelly as a MINISTER OF THE CROWN, Carmen Lawrence as a MINISTER of the CROWN, just to name two morons the labor party thought were talented. Just once I would like to see a labor party MLA who has actually either A run his/her own business or B at least held a JOB that DIDNT involve being a shop steward OR working for a union directly. Great grounding for running a country that. Learning how to blackmail employers, strike and generally do stuff that would have you arrested anywhere else.

Pulled ANOTHER leg muscle on Tuesday. So. Second week running (!) no gym. No squash. damnit. N NO it was the OTHER leg. stupid stupid boy.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water

stupid leg
yeah stupid damn leg

pulled a groin muscle the other day (no not THAT one). hurts it do when that happens. Hobble hobble ouchy ouchy ouchy no more squash n gym fer at least a week. Going even crazier :/

Going to mum n dads' again tomorrow we are pulling the front suspension struts out of mums' old (slighter errrr shorter) Peugeot n bunging them into mine. My left front shock is totally buggered. Looking forward to my beast handling n rriding like a Peugeot again (yay). Seems like we get to visit the parents every fortnight or so lately. I hope to also steal the front seats from her car. They are totally the wrong trim colour but I frankly could care less about that as my seat has frayed on the back squab bolster where you rub getting in and out. and theyve done about 600,000kms so theyre finally up fer wearing out I guess. Mums' car only has about 300,000 on the clock so the seats look near new. Hope to fix the exhaust once n for all too it is totally shitting me. Then soonish in the new year I'm be up fer front tyres (well... rears really but the current fronts are going on the back so the new ones will be on the front) Michelin XMV1 $125 per tyre hmmm not as much as I expected. sweet.

Petrol is coming down again. you know itll go up just b4 xmas again though. bloody bandits.

One of the local idiots is screaming at her kid as I write. I reckon she is 3 streets over giving it total what for. Poor kid. dunno wtf he/she did but it surely cant be worth the entire suburb hearing about it. Swearing this n that n the other doesnt seem like a good way to raise a kid but what do I know eh.

My relationship with the cat is improving slowly. He gets out of my way when he sees me coming AND he sometimes actually leaves the room. I call this progress. Now if I can convince the little freak to just wander off n not come home it will be perfect.

we have ALL our Xmas shopping done!
ner ner ner... done and done. First time in HISTORY. No dealing with stressed out braindamaged people rushing about not looking where they are going n abusing you fer making 15 unsuccessful attempts to avoid them running into you. bastards. I will miss knocking little johnnies n jennies over as they wander about in their childish lack of awareness, heads jammed up their arses. I dont give way for your kids unless I know them. You have NO claim on my due care n attention beyond what is reasonable in avoiding flattening said kids unless they are directly in my care, related or friends' children. Otherwise they best watch where the hell theyre going!! OK ok I DO swerve for them on the road but only cuz the paperwork is too too painful.

What drives me crazy 1242452....

email spam from fuggin AMERICA labeled 'offer only available to U.S. residents' so... DONT send it to email addies bastards n I wont fire bomb ya damn office if i ever find out where it is. pricks.

Seeyas in a couple of days

Saturday, December 03, 2005

The Church Of the Almighty Bald One

Welcome to the Church of The Almighty Bald One...

We begin with the ritual chant.. "homer homer homer"
Accolytes will undergo the ritual enbaldening leaving but 3 lonely hairs to nurtured and cared for.
Hell is defined as Sector 7G.
Here we do not say 'amen' we say 'mmmmmmmmm *topic for discussion*
Hallelujah has been replaced with 'wooooooohooooooooooo'

Te almighty one is credited with turning money into beer and providing nacho hats for the multitude!!
Other miracles include the wondrous flying pig, the ability to make the sexiest cartoon woman ever love him and the miracle of the 300 game of bowling!! wooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooo

The son of the almighty one is the devil incarnate! Beware.
The daughter of the almighty one is an annoying wasp droning about shit noone wishes to hear her words are poison to the truth!!

Beer and porkchops to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mmmmmmmmm porkchops
