Friday, June 17, 2005

The Good Scissors (with thanks to AP)

You can blame The Accidental Poet for this... she who hates to clean but loves to lose poor innocent cutting devices...

What is it with women and 'good scissors'??
Here I was thinking it was only my slightly deranged mother who had 'good' scissors.

They're tools. Use em. Sharpen em when they need it. Throw them away when they stop working as per design. Remember to carry them blade down etc.
It isn't like you've spent the GNP of somewhere like New Zealand (whats that Kassi? it's only about $1.50??) on buying them, is it? Nope.
Theyre not platinum, sodium filled (for cooling in case you go on a material/paper/cardboard cutting FRENZY) with diamond-tipped-edges-for-permanent-sharpness (buy now and we will send you not 1 not 5 but 9 yes NINE perfectly useless other items we have not made up names or uses for yet!!).
They are shaped lumps of mild steel, generally cast (as distinct from forged), cost a couple of bucks anywhere on the planet.
I mean ... if they WERE forged, WERE high grade steel or (*sigh n say it slowly rolling it around your mouth*) tiiitaniuuuummmmm (titanium), WERE lemme see $50-150 per item then yes 'the good scissors' would be almost an appelation controlle. Indeedlidoodly you may even go so far as to say 'the GREAT scissors' and advertise them as 'the scissors the US Military pays $600 per unit for!! YOURS for just $29.95 (think/hear it through in Doctor nicks voice from the Simpsons).

Alas, like most tools these days, the scissors most of can buy aren't even worth a Tim the toolman grunt toolwise.

We buy em in packs of a dozen with the soft grips (for comfort) and if one has the temerity to go missing? Well who cares. The other 11 are all just as sharp and easy to use. Willing too - perhaps, though Ive never discussed motivation with a pair of scissors. How much motivation do they have to be 'the good scissors' when they know their fate is to be lost? Cast aside in the knitting bag when they long long nay CRAVE life in the sewing bag?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh ...great read :)