Monday, June 13, 2005

They did it again

They showed it again...
Last night
after midnight
AFTER putting some poxridden movie on instead of the scheduled programme.
open letter to channel seven:

fuck off with last man standing ok..
I am now NOT ever going to watch another FRIGGIN episode. I dont care it was vaguely entertaining. I dont care theres nought all else on that time on a monday...
THREE times in ONE week for the same damn show???

I wish your lot showed that moronic Big Brother and those moronic singing shows. Cuz then given you have that twittering budgerigar Bruce Macavaney n that 'I need to be in everything' pain in the butt Joanna Griggs I would have NO reason ever to watch your stupid channel

cept for Stargate. But you'll probably have a new version of it voiced over by the twittering budgerigar n 'introduced' by 'I need to be in everything' pain in the butt...

just to piss me off eh

1 comment:

Mongooser said...

ok ok i relented
theres nought all else on on monday night at that time. N its piss funny too.