Tuesday, July 12, 2005

addition to the New Scissors debate

oh the shame the shame...

I am no the proud owner of 'good' scissors.
My sister heard from my mum (or did kassi ring n set me up?? ....gotta stop watching the X Files repeats) that I was rabbiting on about 'good scissors' so she bought me a pair.
As she is technical editor for 3 Quilting magazines i am assuming she knows good scirrors.

the shame the shame...
you all better keep yer hands off they are my good scissors ya phillistines.


Anonymous said...

I love a man who can admit it when he's wrong ...

Kassi said...

Yes, but are they on a string around your neck ?

Mongooser said...

who said I was wrong?
Admitted defeat perhaps.
Not conceding the error of my initial position, however.

N yes rocky they may well be scissorstines... bronze scissors though methinks. scissors -tines geddit)