Wednesday, September 21, 2005

orright orright dahdaaa what shits me about wimmins not in 2000 werds

Due to popular demand....
drum roll please ....
I will give you an example by way of indicating what shits me about wiimmin these days ( and I'm nt going down the lying, cheating etc etc road either though I have plenty of cause to).

There is an advert here on tv. Woohoo I hear echo in NZ Canadia n Qld. It features a woman. We are clearly supposed to assume she is a housewife. I would say about 30yo. Attractive. Sitting on the floor in her sunroom sipping coffee while a plumber fixes something. What she is actually doing is dreaming she is on a tropical island somewhere, while sipping the coffee.
She is in what looks like a half million dollar house, doing jack shit (cept housework)and her lifestyle STILL isnt satisfactory. IF she was at work on a break drinking coffee n daydreaming then fair enough I say.

Yep I know it is not so much what the irrational half of the species does that annoys but rather how they are portrayed in popular media. However youve only got to sit n listen to some rich bitch whinge about how crap her life is (doesnt work, plays tennis every day, gets a manicure thrice weekly, weekends at the snow,cheats on hubby with the tennis coach AND the masseur, but never has ANY 'her' time).

I never heard my mother complain about having a big expensive house, fancy car, tennis with the girls n enough money to do what she wanted during the day. I suspect she KNEW she was on a good wicket. Came from a family that didnt have much money (not dirt poor but not wealthy). Never heard any of my aunts complain either.
I suspect the whingers come from wealthier backgrounds, are accustomed to a certain lifestyle n dont like it when they find out money doesnt magically appear each week. Likewise she didnt complain when things got tough.

Someone on saras blog mentioned a valid point too regarding medical issues. When it is a fella we are supposed just suck it up n go submit to whatever devilry the docs what to inflict on us. If we complain about the uncomfortable (read PAINFUL) intrusive nature of the procedure we are wimps. Sometimes I wonder if the ladies want a bloody MEDAL for going to the doctor for what is a routine exam. It is YOUR life. A couple of minutes of embarrassment and discomfit once a year. Get over it. You think I LIKE having a hand stuck up my arse? I walk funny for a week. *shudder*

The initial discussion started regarding education on cervical cancer. Someone wanted to broadcast their examination on NZ radio. I reckon that was not and is not an appropriate forum. It smacked of a stunt. There was some hoohah about it being important to educate people blah blah. the female bloggers all seemed to think it a wonderful idea.
Ladies it was a stunt. You have to also respect the right of the station manager to decide what he/she thinks is appropriate content for the time slot. In fact that person has the right to say yay or nay to ANYTHING they want to put to air. The fact it was a female issue just politicised the non issue. And if you disagree you are seen as some sort of unthinking uncaring primitive. That female broadcaster wasnt trying to 'educate' anyone. She was trying to SHOCK listeners. If she was serious about raising the topic she would have chosen a less confronting methodology. Like discussing the issues with her cohost.

disagreeing with something like this can cause one to be labeled.
I personally think cervical and breast cancer needs to be tested for at the appropriate intervals. Thats it. Women know they are at risk. If they DON'T know this by now then the millions spent on calm clear educational adverts on tv, radio and in print have been wasted. Some idot shock jock broadcasting her cervical scrape on breakfast radio is not going to make someone suddenly say 'i better go DO that'. Unless you were already feeling guilty cuz you knew you should but hadnt. Praps it might work at that level.

I doubt if the male host said 'I think I shall broadcast live my prostate examination' that the station manager would have said 'oh sure lets get a film crew in too' I suspect he/she would have said the same as he/she said on the cervical exam. to wit 'errrr no'. For the same reason. It is cheap sensationalism. The fact I think it that does NOT mean I think prostate cancer is unimportant. Nor that testing for prostate cancer is unimportant.

I don't want to hear their heart bipass op on radio live either. Doesnt mean i laugh at the idea of heart disease. I found out today an old friend died last month from heart disease. Glad I had that ECG last week (n i DIDNT need some idiot on the radio to TELL me to do it). Time n place. thats all.

I have a sneaking suspicion all this 'education' is a touch counterproductive sometimes or flat out doesnt work. If it did NOONE in their right bloody minds would still be making tobacco companies richer n richer. The death peddling scum suckers. Yes Ima reformed smoker. nearly 4 years now. Tobacco advertising in Australia has been banned for over 20 years (more like 30 I think I was only a kid when it stopped). We have had 'education' on the evils of smoking for a similar period. Doesnt seem to STOP people smoking. Hell the hacking cough in the morning, shitty breath, lack of fitness etc doesnt seem to stop them. So clearly the education isnt working. I stopped because I stopped being stupid one day. if it takes 20 years for the adverts to sink in it is bloody poor. I got sick of being sick basically. That 4000th advert showing some poor bugger with lung cancer didnt make me stop. I KNOW it causes lung cancer. Ive known since BEFORE I started smoking. I think youd have to be living under a ROCK in The GObi not to know.

Breast cancer testing is important. Cervical cancer testing is important. Prostate testing is important. Go get tested. Discuss it with your partner and your children if you have them. Don't let some shock jock both manipulate your concerns and hijack the subject for the facile purpose of increased ratings. Her actions should be seen as an insult to women generally (most advertising is grossly insulting to women generally). Don't let someone tell you you are too stupid to understand the issues unless she takes a microphone to the exam.
And dont get the shits with some poor fat white bloke who thinks youre all actually smart enough to think for yourselves even if he seems to constantly get proof to the contrary. youre NOT headless chooks. Youre NOT living in Victorian times. You dont need someone with questionable motives and the moral/ethical ideas of a snake telling you what to do. You know whats right so bloody DO it.

I now flee to my hideyhole.


Walker said...

Now I agree with some of what you say and obviously dissagree with parts as well.
Rich bitch on the toilet scratching her ass because her life is boring and meaningless. Well thats what you fucken get for being rich and not going out to work and filling your life with something meaningful to do.
I also know a few people who are very well off and are still working hard everyday.
I think the complainers are the ones that got married for the money or were born into it.
The radio station thing, well lets face it what can you learn from hearing it on the radio. I think it is stupid to even mention it.
Hell lets put it on the television and let's all watch it happening. Thats what needs to be done and not in the morning but on prime time.
Show people the face of the enemy and what is needed to combat it. Pull out the scapulas, colonoscopes and lets face the cancer that scares the shit out of us before it's to late and we are done for.
I don't just mean what women go through but what men do also. I think everyone should have a clear understanding that we stand a chance of being killed by cancer. It doesn't matter what kind of cancer or if your a man or a woman but all people.
This way if you don't want to watch you don't have too. You can change the channel and watch ER for more entertainment.
You might learn something there about it.
Now I recall you comment on Sara's site and you said tha a womans vagina...pussy is made to open that much especially when they are able to give birth.Thats not true.Their body adjusts up to the day that its time to give birth and if it was painless then they wouldn't need spinals to ease the pain.
Being someone who was in the delivery room and watched my Ex have her pussy sliced open for the baby to come out does not tell me that she was big enough to have something that big come out. She required 42 stitches to close her up. A woman gets torn up while giving birth. Now what about a woman who has not had a child and has a large instrument shoved in her then spread open so the doctor can scrape off a tissue sample that can't be comfortable either.
Now me having something shoved up my ass which is also used to have something coming out doesn't feel comfortable either but then again I had something shoved through the opening of my cock that was as thick as my finger that was down right RUDE!!!!!!!! Especially the coming out part.
I don't care what sex you are all I know is that anything being shoved into your body that doesn't fit is going to hurt.
Trying to figure out who goes through the most discomfort is the wrong attitude. Trying to stay alive is the right attitude and if showing it on a medium will educate people I see nothing wrong with it.
You can always change the channel and hope for the best.
Have a nice day.

Walker said...

BTW this was a good post. You are entitled to your opinions

Mongooser said...

yeah Ive had the camera up the old ffella too
sucks rocks I couldnt piss without ,well...not screaming exactly, but groaning pitifully.
I think there was a healthy does of irony in the bit about what shits me about wimmin. mostly its the way they are insulted in advertising. I kinda like women theyre fun to play with. cept when they shit ya.

how bout that first post - gotta be a bloody advert of some sort eh. weird.

Lisa said...

I finally got the time to sit and read this...whether I managed to take in what you've said or not is another matter lol

I know I've done plenty of whinging when it comes to housework. But only cos I hate doing it lol And I certainly don't have money to burn.

As far as the mention of my site is concerned, I'm not going to repeat myself again about the differences between men and women's examination. No point. We all have to have them in the best interests of our health. And the rest of the blah I said the following day stands (that's called cheating cos I'm too tired to type lol).

Walker's right, this is a great post.

Oh, one more thing...I had my cervical smear on Tuesday morning. I booked the appointment after hearing the "shock jock" talk about in on the radio. What's more, I fell into the category of "already feeling guilty cuz you knew you should but hadnt" lol

Lisa said...

oh, and that first comment up there is spam, which is the main reason why some people have added "word vertification" thingies on their comments.