Thursday, September 15, 2005


shit shit shit
I had JUST bloody written a 2000 word rant about why women shit me
went to hit 'publish' n had an exception fault n had to reboot.
so youll just have to wait.

stupid piece of shit computer.

I have to go to the doctors now n see if I have lymph cancer.
Think I'm scared?
you bloody bet
I'm sick of finding new stuff to be shit scared about.
Sometimes I think it would be just easier in the long run to bloody die n get it over with.


Lisa said...

I hope you have good news at the doctor's office. Good luck.

Looking forward to reading your rant about women :)

Kassi said...

Wow ! Someone forgot to take his happy pills this morning. Honestly ... I go away for a week or so and you fall apart !!!

Monica said...

Sending good thoughts that your appointment comes out son had two active cancer cells in his lymph node under his arm.
Take care.

Mongooser said...

well blood tests time but the doc dont think theres anything to worry about - heh my pectoral muscle is just getting bigger. Who feels stupid now. Apparently it wraps round under your armpit. I musta been asleep at uni thtrough that lecture doesnt explain the odd pain though. oh well

m kassi darling OF COURSE i go to pieces when one of only the 2 chix on the planet (that I know) with common sense disappears for a week especially when the other isnt around much anyway.
Who do i talk to?
ps included in any answer should be the tacit acknowledgement that i dont trust advice from born agains

Kassi said...

(very very sweetly) so just why is it again that we women annoy you so very much ??

Lisa said...

*stands beside Kassi* Yeah, come on, out with it. I already know some of the things I do that piss off the man in my life...why not add to that. It's a learnin' experience and all that eh?

Mongooser said...

mate you can mention the luscious Miss Norway 1990 all you like
..... five minutes later....
right where was I?

Oh yeah
cant remember what I got going about muchly
so youll all just have to hover on the brink of suspense a while longer.
BTW i do believe this post has received the most comments on my blog so far
well done.