Monday, September 26, 2005

drugs n why are we STILL arresting people?

hope I get most of this down in time (I have things to do people to see).

Most of western society is in what is called a 'war' on drugs. Billions spent every year in person power (doesn't have that certain 'ring' 'manpower' has eh) equipment to search for, surveill, arrest and incarcerate drug dealers and certain categories of users (depending on which country you live in).

Billions wasted while ever ONE single, central problem remains in place, in play.
The profit gained from drug running.
Does ANYONE seriously think these people traffic drugs for fun and relaxation?
They do it for MONEY. Lots and lots of money.

It seems obvious to me that regardless of the level of 'threat' perceived in individual countries (eg Singapore where they hang drug dealers, or Australia where we send them to club fed)dealers will not only survive they will earn enough cash to make the risk seem worth taking. No tax, no rivals (rub em out if they appear), all cash. Fancy cars, sexy chicks etc etc etc. Hmmm. Bit like smoking I suspect -the wont happen to me syndrome is alive n well in drug runners.

So how do we fix the problem?

Well the last statistic I saw in Australia suggested there are about 1500 heroin addicts in Sydney (I make no claims as to reliability of figures). This isnt many in a city of over 2 million. No idea how many drug dealers there are running about.
But it seems to me these poor sad individuals (addicts) suck up an inordinate amount of money in medical and policing expenses. I say treat addicts not as criminals, don't mask their addiction with OTHER, equally addictive stuff like methadone, TREAT them as if they are sick (which I believe they are), then deal properly with the root of the problem. In 12 months under the mongoose plan governments will have more than enough money to deal effectively with the medical and social issues addiction causes.



Government must itself become the supplier of choice.
GIVE the addict his/her fix. Scratch the itch. Control access to the drug of choice, control dosage, and charge nothing for the fix. Government should grow their own in effect. What will happen then?

Drug dealers are basically out of business overnight. There cannot be any money if the government is GIVING the shit away. Old old rule. If you want to KILL an industry get the government involved. What dealer on the planet could afford to compete with free junk? Doesnt matter what it is - heroin, smoke, cocaine, whatever.

A couple of rules would need to be in place. Addicts would need to register. They would be given a metered dose by a registered health care professional (doctor or nurse). Now you might say that will cost extra money etc etc etc. Yes. Perhaps one extra doctor and nurse per hospital JUST to do the addicts. But they will be getting clean drugs, under medical supervision.

So what happens then?

No more mugging for drug money. Break, enter, steal offences would drop enormously. Drug related gangland killings would almost stop. In places like the USA turf wars over drugs would simply STOP happening. Basically look up EVERY crime that happens due to drug use and put a line through it. People would not have to sell themselves into prostitution. Dealers wouldnt be getting people hooked to sell them product. The spread of diseases such as hepatitus and AIDS would, I suspect, basically stop via drug use as people would not be sharing needles. Again taking load off the health service.

The poor bloody police would have more resources to chase old style crims. Car thieves, burglars etc. Customs wouldnt be so overwhelmed. All that black money going into the drug dealers' hands would instead stay in circulation in the general economy. The medical systems wouldnt have to deal with ODing idiots. Prisons would not be as over crowded. EVERYWHERE one turns one can see financial savings.

The goal is to eventually ween the poor souls off the shit. I think this could be done once the SOLE source of supply is the regulatory authority.

Once that is done fucking BAN cigarette manufacture. Those bastards kill more people in a year than any of the drug dealers EVER have. They call drug dealers purveyors of death well its cigarette companies that are the true purveyors of death. OK ok I know that will likely only drive it underground like heroin is now. Again you have to take the profit motive away.

Down the track I think billions if not trillions would be saved.
Money that could be spent on better health schooling and transport services.
Or better toys for the army/navy/airforce. Kidding KIDDING we have just about enough ways to kill each other. Farm relief. Shit the list goes on eh. No little kids dying cuz mummy is a fucking smackhead n left her methadone out where little fingers could reach cuz she was off her face.

Eventually I would hope there would be NO addicts. If you wanna try it you go to the doctor n have a hit on your day off. etc whatever.

Then we can spend some of the saved money on shitbag drunk drivers. Hire some of the now out of work drug goons to have what my brother in law calls 'Sort The Fuckers Out' tours.

But the drug problem is simple to fix. The government has to be the supplier.
It'll take a year for some effect to start to be seen maybe 5 years before the whole situation is so under control we will look back n wonder wtf we were doing beforehand.
N yes I have indeed sent this idea to the government (the PM himself actually). Unfortunately they seem horrified by the idea of actually DOING something about it rather than being SEEN to do something about it.
See it is easy to tip more money and resources at the 'problem'.But if you have not identified the actual REAL problem you are just making criminals out of a lot of sick people. Take the profit from the enterprise and the drug trade dries up. You can then set to helping the poor sods who are hooked. Simple as that.


Walker said...

I have been saying this for years here in Canada but with a bit of a twist. I personally think that Pot should be legallized and the govt should sell it and use the money for what they need like health care.
Cocaine and heroin dealers should be locked up for life with their first offence. That should end the problem for dealers one way or the other.
Organized crime would be put out of business.
While they are at it they should legalize prostitution and take that money away from them to and use the money for health care.

Mongooser said...

I think prostitution is legal here provided you meet certain guidelines (no brothels close to schools n churches etc).

Walker said...

I don't think prostitution is illegal, the soliciting is and thats how they get the hookers.