Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Hope they don't get those miners out JUUUUUUUUST yet
We could do with getting rid of another couple of pompous self-aggrandising so called journalists.

No seriously hoping today is the day! They must be getting a touch smelly down there eh. Probably hungry too. a little? yeah

I wanna know who was wheeling that poor little Sophie across the road n did she leave her seeing eye dog at home? Poor kid. TWICE now minding her own business (she is too young to be anything but cute) n gets cleaned up by a car. Neither time running out in front unexpectedly etc. Gotta think someone somewhere doesnt like her :/ I cant believe you could MISS seeing a tonne n a half of motor car bearing down on you. Though it happens every day - watch idiots cross the road head down bum up 'if i cant see it it doesnt exist'. Youd THINK ANYONE wheeling that poor little girl around would be like the definition of paranoid crossing roads n walking on footpaths n ANYWHERE not 4 or 5 rooms back from the front of the house. Basically ANYWHERE it was even possible for the girl to get hit by a car again (for those who dont know she was i htink asleep at her pre-school/kindergarten when an old guy had a heart attack at the wheel n came straight through the front of the kindy. She got burned and generally fucked up, i think lost her legs too. Poor little thing she was always cheerful n bouncy. Ok Im getting all choked up here believe it or not. Felt sory fer the bloke who had a heartattack too. Seemed to be a bit of an attempt to demonise him cuz his ticker gave out. hell wasnt like he was drunk/stoned/stupid/speeding etc he had a fucking coronary - Im sure he didnt wake up n think 'today i get me some preschoolers'). Ok the driver the 2nd time round probably needs to be charged - but the person doing the pram pushing should be charged with bloody negligence too. I remember at Stay Upright (motorcycle training) we were ALWAYS told 'doesnt matter who is in the right or the wrong when it is YOU laying on the road bleeding not the guy in the car/bus/truck - you are responsible for your OWN safety' Same applies here.

whats with brain dead poeple letting their kids run screaming across the road to school ? You too fucking lazy to walk them over yourself?? I mean its another 30 metres MAYBE. And what the fuck is wrong with letting them walk down YOUR side of the road to the perfectly good crossing lights OUTSIDE the damn school? Same distance. But with lights. Crossing. Good. Yep. Nearly cleaned up a little boy last week who simply did not look. Did not stop. his mum wasnt even WATCHING him cross the road she was too busy lighting a cigarette n screaming abuse at some other kid who appeared to not be misbehaving. The hide of him. THEN the little prat turned around n RAN BACK OUT n near got smashed by the car coming the other way (I had already stopped n was waiting cuz i had a sneaking suspicion he would do exactly what he ended up doing). So TWICE out from between parked cars. Twice near skittled. Both times WWE (the drivers) would have been hauled off to court to explain ourselves. When clearly the damn mother needed to get her head out of her arse, stop getting pissed before 9am n take some notice of the rest of the world. Grrrrrrr
No it would have been MY fault cuz I'm in a tonne of motorcar n couldnt A) SEE the 3 feet tall urchin below the bonnet line when he ran out 4 feet in front of me n B) couldnt STOP under those circumstances. Well it is just bloody lucky for that kid I saw his brother/friend whatever on the other side turn round n call him over so I hit the brakes on spec. just in case in other words. The litle prick had the nerve to glare at me like it was my fault he near got squished. Arseholes.
Noone teaches anyone to have even any BASIC responisbility for their own actions anymore. Like crossing the road. That is your parents responsibility not mine. Fuck ya I dont know ya. YOU are the one gonna be laying on the road shitwit not me. I might lose my licence for a while (but given I have apretty fair driving record probably not cuz i DO after all care for a disabled person)- youll still be pretty fucked up. Not like I was drunk, stoned or speeding either. My car has near new brakes, disc and pads on the front n pads on the rear, new front dampers AND struts, new michelin tyres all round, all the lights n controls work as per manufacturers specs, AND most important of all I dont drive around with my head up my arse. I constantly amazed HSVgirl with the shit i spot on the sides of the road n up driveways etc. I see (and swerve for) little frogs on the road in the pouring rain at night fer Athene' sake. Hell HSV didnt believe they existed until one cold wet night i STOPPED n SHOWED her the little froggy trying desperately to get to the other side fo the road where the water was cleaner n deeper n just well better.

Situational awareness it is called. Some people (like me) just have it. Most need to bloody practice it. Why? Cuz youre in charge of a heap of bloody steel is why. a ballistic object. Pedestrians need to develop it too cuz you ARENT a heap of steel. A heap of steel CAN however turn you into a ballistic object. A very bloody n floppy ballistic object.
Get with the programme. Get your eyes open n stop doing shit in your car or crossing the road , that isnt either watching or controlling.

natural selection will still weed out the idiots. N good on it I say just dont use ME n my peugeot as an instrument of that selection.


Lisa said...

Good lord, this is what happens when you've got time on your hands huh? You write til your fingers are down to stubbs?? Now I have oodles to catch up on. That'll teach me for being absent for a few days *sigh*

I can't help but agree with you about people being more aware when they're driving, especially around schools. The primary school my kids went to had a special programme that the whole school participated in about road safety. The local constabulary was involved as well. My boys became better and more alert at crossing the road than I did, and they were only 6 and 7 lol

My godson however, almost got hit rushing across the road the other day. The lady pulled her car over, got out and talked to him about being more careful and that he should cross with an older person...he promptly did the fingers to her. What the hell is going on with kids and parents these days??

So pleased to see the news yesterday and watch those miners come out...they sure did look healthy though.

Mongooser said...

awww shucks
2 of the cutest gals in bloggerdom left messges on MY blog (ok ok lisa been visiting fer ages)
Glad it made ya laugh Love it :)

Kassi said...

Sniff ... you know if I could work out how to attach my pic to my profile, I bet *I* could be one of the cutest gals in bloggerdom too ... if I really wanted to ... which I don't ... so there !!!