Thursday, May 11, 2006

hmm dunno what to write about here lol

cant sleep
cant think of anything to write about
going nuts from not playing squash pacing like a caged tiger
like a tiger like a tiger
*makes paws batting screen motion with hand*
Oh god *vomit*I was near forced t owatch 10 minutes of Dont Bother tonight
This is what passes for entertainment on TV these days. The same semi-hysterical late teen/early twenties twittering braindead females you can see EVERY FUCKING DAY at the shops twittering on into their stupid mobile fones to their stupid twittering friends about shit noonegives a flying fuck about hissing cattily about who what where so n so did said thought caty catty bitch bitch meow.
Even the guys on the show had the good grace to just stand there looking bemused and in turn disgusted at the moronic display the girls turned on.
My god anyone would think they were working on a cure for death.
News flash. It isnt that important. Simple.
I mean I love my squash n flog on about it 24/7 if i get the chance but shit is is just a game it isnt the cure for the worlds' ills.
I find it amazing that most likely one of those brain dead twits will walk away with a million bucks for being an annoying little fucking drama queen.
We want a new show
One where someone (me) wanders about with camera crew in tow n daily selects some fucking moron to be taken out the back of some quiet place, punched stupid while being told 'wake up to yourself shitwit' then left to fuggin WALK home with a sign which would read 'dont pick me up unless you enjoy spending time with a moron'.

Thank god for the Simpsons.
All Hail Homer
homer homer homer (The chant of the church of the fat bald one).

I originally got up from bed cuz i smelt smoke. After ascertaining (nice word that doesnt get used enough) that my blue heeler hadnt learnt how to start fires I put it down to the many wood fires going as winter is fast approaching n its getting cold.
poor bloke. He is in pain some from where he had the plate put in his back leg as a 4-5 month old pup. Mind you he doesnt mind the cold - used to sleep in the snow. But i think he might have a touch of arthritis maybe. Ima get some celery salt n start adding it to his food again as it seemed to work well last winter. The glucosamine tablets are helping too. Lucky for him he goes to visit nanny n poppy on sunday for 3 or 4 weeks. He loves my father. Its a bit warmer where they are so it should be good for his leg. The gurl is gonna make him a super doopa dog coat while he is away so he will be nice n snug. Might see if there are some tablets I can give him (pain killers for dogs).

Friday is a week since i was told no squash n I disobeyed on tuesday cuz I coach the no.6 in the state under 19 tuesdays n thursdays. I didnt do any running though kept my role fairly static this time. Normally we punch it around for an hour or so then get into the guts of it. I have a theory that if you practice it a bit tired you will know how to do it when you are tired in a match. The ole brain will say like 'oh yeah I can do this'. As neither of us has been particularly well lately its been easy to get tired lol.

Welp i think I might be able to sleep now.


Lisa said...

Um, I don't think there's going to be many watchers for your tv programme dear. Lots of law suits though I imagine.

Your dog's going away for 3 or 4 weeks? Wow, that's a long time...won't you MISS him?? I feel sorry for him with the plate in his leg, must hurt during the winter (oh you already said that). You're so cute how you look after him so well, I love that...and the dog coat...that's just TOO cute and snuggly.

btw, I'm gonna tell your doctor, no squash means no squash, tired or not (but hey, I like the theory there, seems a good idea about you pulling through the tough bits an' all...won't tell your doc that though lol)

Mongooser said...

The reason he is going to mum n dads' for 3 or 4 weeks is that we are going down on sunday for mothers' day n are taking him down then as we are going to melbourne for 2 weeks so the girl can visit her fambly.makes no sense to go down twice in 10 days (its a bit of a trip is all). we will have her little dog n the $%!*&(&@# cat in the car. My blue heeler (being a real dog and a blokes dog at that), doesnt like either the little yapper or the cat... well.. he HATES the cat basically so he cant come with us. So he gets to visit mums n play with their labrador bella for a while. They get on ok n as I said he loves dad. he considers their place part of his territory anyway. And it is a bit warmer there. He looks so cute in his blue waterproof coat lol.

Sassy noone worth knowing listens to rumours - the good ones START em then sit back n laugh.

Kassi said...

I agonised long and hard over whether to buy my mother a book entitled "Knitting for Dogs" ... little coats and scarves and such. As the MOTH pointed out ... I didn't realise dogs could hold the needles ...