Sunday, January 13, 2008

sucked in Rivo

Talk about a revenge slaying!!

Rivo gold beat the snot out of our sadly depleted team last time we played them (8 versus 11).
As our american cousins say 'payback is a motherfucker'
i would say that indeed payback IS a motherfucker.
We flogged them yesterday.
Made them field for 3 hours in 35 degree heat while most of our side rested in the shade, also took advantage of the freshly mown grass (to the editors of the Sydney Morning Herald.. grass is freshly MOWN not mowed... the grass is mown, I MOWED the grass... do they even go to SCHOOL anymore b4 being given jobs at newspapers? SRW english does not appear to apply).

In essence we got full value for strokes played as the grass was short. Made them run about in the heat. When THEY batted the grass was longer n the ball stopped faster which meant shots we got 4 for they got 1 or 2 if they were lucky.
AND theyd been out in the heat of the day whereas we fielded in the heart of a nice southerly cool change which hit as we were taking the field. This didnt help their batsmen as much as it might have as they were already suffering dehydration n a touch of heat stroke. So fuck em. I looked their captain fair in the eye n said 'not as easy to beat us when we have ELEVEN on the field is it??'


Next week we play the other Riverstone side which we beat outright in round 1. Id like to beat them outright again.


Iron Mike said...

Hell yes!!! Rivo got whooped like a rented mule.

Kassi said...

I read, I lurk, I leave comments. I do all that is expected ... I just don't appear to actually blog any more ...