Sunday, December 02, 2007

A funny thing happened on the way to the ...

I was supposed to sit out at cricket this week
Didnt did I?
12th man strikes again. I umpired for 27 overs and then fielded for our inning in the field.
Oh yeah
it was raining when we started and until about 4 hours into the game heh. We were the only game played in the Hawkesbury district on Saturday as the light was fine and the rain wasnt exactly THAT heavy after all. The only thing not having a good time was the ball. Poor thing... soaked it were. When it gets wet it gets greasy and feels like a cake of soap when you try to catch it. Holding it is hard so that bowling is a lottery.

Welcome to Iron Mike an actual NEW reader *faint*.
Glad to hear you survuved Iraq n got home mate n good luck to your young fella in his basketball season. That takes to 3 the number of ppl who visit this lil corner of the innernet.

Been looking into broadband ADSL lately. Cant really afford it but its shitting me how bad this dialup has become. Either that or Ive gotten less patient with the performance lately. Bit of both mebbe. My service provider WONT give me any sort of consideration for being a loyal 8 year subscriber (I asked n NO there is noone else who has subscribed for that long there), so I shall likely take my business elsewhere.
Having said that it seems to me that Telstra, as the national carrier, SHOULD be both the cheapest AND have the best selection of plans available. Now Im no commy pinky shitwit, but if you are going to have a government owned national carrier (ok ok even IF it is patially privatley owned) then that organisation should NOT be putting profit before service. Far as Im concerned its the private telcos' problem to be competitive with Telstra NOT the other way round. Telstra should offer the best service in terms of performance AND variety n flexiblity of plans AND the absolute cheapest rate going for that service. When its mostly governemtn run it simply ISNT about making a profit gentlemen... its about looking after Joe citizen (which at its very heart is EXACTLY what governments' role is - not existence for its own blinkered sake).

Telstra should be like the public health service - subsidised to hell. N so what if that internet service isnt QUITE as stable or blindingly fast as the privateys? IF you want THAT pay the extra for the higher standard. Not go hunting for cheaper than telstra cuz EVERYONE is cheaper than telstra with their actual plans anyone would wanna use. Cheaper and fuller featured.

So we have a new federal government led by K Rudd. The next 4 years will be interesting. Then things will hopefully get back to normal. All thos eidiots out there who voted on the 'oh he is cuter' or the 'Im a young first time voter and as we all know we have our heads mostly jammed up our arses n believe ANYTHING the socialists tell us cuz they wouldnt lie would they?' will get a dose of what I call the Reality Clap. Theyll perhaps find out what a 'strike' is . Yes Johnny its something unions do to extort the rest of the country.

Im tired
Homer sleep now.


Anonymous said...

me and my dad read your blog as well craig

Kassi said...

So that makes five readers !!!

About five times as many people as read my blog ... so neener neener :P

Iron Mike said...

Been wondering what you thought of the new government.