Sunday, January 22, 2006


congratulations to:

anthony ricketts for winning the Australian Open
(oh..ok.. the Australian Open SQUASH not that phoney tennis tournament)
defeating David Palmer (local lad that) in three sets.

Chris Atkinson (Aussie lad wot) who is currently 2nd outright at the Monte Carlo Rally at his first ever attempt at the event.

marcus Gronholm for leading the event in a new team and a new car (go marcus even if youre NOT in a Peugeot this year).

I had possibly the best game of squash the other day since my head injury .
Felt like i was in the zone finally. Hitting it EXACTLY where I wanted. Volleying at will (no jokes about what will thought of it). Covered everything thrown at me just about. Sometimes you are just caught by a shit hot shot from your opponent though eh. I havent played that well since I was 20ish. Actually... I think I hit it better now than I did then. Just wish I had the speed I had then n the older brain. Undamaged would be good though. Shit my reflexes are slow.

The latest gym programme seems to be working really well for my squash cuz at last i have a trainer who understands the only reason I GO to the gym is to get fitter fer squash (youall should understand when I type 'gym' I expect you to mentally pronounce it 'gime' ala Homer J Simpson). I feel stronger with fewer than normal workouts. I'm hitting the ball consistently harder with the same effort as b4 n My leg drive is much improved. So I think I'm faster cuz instead of running everywhere I'm taking a couple of sorta hoppy leapy things - one jump insteada 5 steps so I feel more explosive. Still a LONG way to go before I'm happy though.

I'm hoping I can claim some superannuation back (dont think Ive mentioned this b4). So I can buy some new michelins for the Peugeot (french car french tyres nest pas).
also get the AC fixed in it too cuz again it is BLOODY HOT. Thinking about A getting this stupid box upgraded by the gurls' brother or B getting a portable AC for the house too. It is ok inside until mebbe 3pm then it just starts to cook in here. Oddly and in an american ironic way just as outside is cooling down! BTW where i went to school 'irony' is a 'mocking discrepancy between fact and fiction, appearance and reality' not just a bunch of funnily coincidental shit which our north american cousins seem to think of it as. If you couldnt repeat the above definition by week two in 1st form at high school you were, shall we say, in for a lovely time in English with Mr Packer (THAT was irony - cuz you werent in fact in for a lovely time and you were soundly mocked by Mr Packer)hah hah. Betcha 27 years later there isnt a person from that class who cant define irony exactly. Cant remember anything else about that class except Mr packers' leather elbow patches. Which, youll agree, is odd.

I like (love) that Martina Hingis is playing tennis again. Not that I like tennis. Cant really stand it actually. I do like watching Martina hingis PLAY tennis however. Never quite understood the anna kournikova thing meself. I wanna perv at 16yos (when she came on) I just go down the local shopping centre.See much cuter ones. AND close enough to touch ! AND able to be flirted with if the mood takes! Martina though... *sigh* She has curves. In the right places.



If I dont get to see martina play I try to watch Toni pearen on Australias funniest home videos. Dunno why but she reaaaaaallllly floats my boat. Even with the totally crap outfits they make her wear. The woman is 33 fer chrissake folks NOT 17! Ok she is a fresh faced, slim, sexy as hell 33..... Dress her like an attractive alluring WOMAN not a bloody rack fer teenybopper clothing that frankly looks stupid on her. N people she has A waist! N it isnt immediately below her tits! Try further south.

Ima think about her tits n further south some.... Love how those high heels make her arse look all perky too. ok...

cold shower time fer this cute little black duck.


Kassi said...

Sadly I agree with rocky ... you need more something ... sex, or medication ... I'm not sure which ;P

Mongooser said...


I'm with rocky

thats TWICE someone has agreed with rockape.

err errr errrr errrr