Saturday, November 05, 2005

oh yeah Nerdism

I think I admitted to nerdish tendencies a couple of blogs ago.
I think this was reinforced to myself when I discovered 2 Star Trek next gen DVDs in the bottom of my book bag when I got home from the local library the other day.

God theyre funny when you watch 7 episodes back to back. The scripts written by 6yos!
The wooden stultifying acting!
That stupid psychic character (chick with dark hair n big tits... ever notice that Gene rodenberry MUST have been a tit man? THere isnt one woman in any show he had anything to do with that isnt a booby monster) my god if thats the best insight being 'sensitive' gives you then GIVE IT UP GIRL!!!
character storms off the bridge in an obvious snit n the stupid woman wanders in n says 'i sensed you are angry and upset' ROFL was it the smashed doors? the 3 dead crewmembers? the cat running for its life? or that the 'upset' one declared war on the Romulans?? what was it that allowed you to work it out? Just a feeling you got eh? Bloody valuable this empathy shit eh?

The thing thats always bugged shite outa me was at the start during the credits you see the ship sorta spooling up to go into warp drive. You know - the tail pipes start to glow n you hear a sort of rvving/winding up sound that is supposed to tell you its gonna launch into the distance. All well n good though in space if they cant hear you scream why does Star Trek assume you can hear the engines from outside? anyhoo my beef is this - when it actually GOES it stretches out towards the direction it is pointed then woosh its gone. I reckon it should compress on itself not stretch. The drive comes from the rear right. Thats the actual first bit that starts to accelerate so it should logically compress not stretch. Inertia being what it is the front should tend to want to accelerate 'after' the rear does. Thats even assuming there was enough friction to make a meaningful effect. Shouldnt ever stretch though - thatd be expected going into a black hole or a worm hole i think.
Cant wait fer rockape to comment on this.

The medical dialogue wouldnt have impressed a monkey in the last one i watched!
They SCARED a virus out of someone! Damn
what a leap forward! call the bird flu people!

Gimme Stargate SG1 any day.


Fizzy said...

(blogger just ate my comments *sob*)
Hi Mongoose, thanks for your comment. The electricity thing has nothing to do with thos bed that you were talking about (whatever they I buy my electricty from the local shop I buy tokens and feed them into the meter when I get home... we ran out (or i hadn't bought any more)That is why the power went out.

I am sat here watching the aus vs gb trinations Rugby League game 6-8 to you... so far

Have a good day.
Now blogger behave this time or I will have to get bossy with you

Lisa said...

Can't help agreeing with sweet up there, after reading all about that warping speed thing, and compressing instead of stretching, it's obvious that your mind thinks too much.

Poor about giving it a wee rest, so the rest of us can catch up to you huh? lol

Kassi said...

Ummm ... what he said :P

And I deny most emphatically that I am, or ever have been a nerd !!

Pfft ... Star Trek bites. Gimme something written by Joss Whedon any day !!!

Mongooser said...

LOL Joss Whedon yeah .

Damned intelligent reply craig...

I accept plot holes n movie logic most of the time, but when it is stupid stuff that its as easy to get right as cock up I have some trouble with it.

Like why do they always show Ancient Greeks dressed like the Bloody Romans?
Why do they show egyptians who look remarkably like Arabs?
Why do they take a $60mill. fighter into gun range with smaller nimbler opponents when they have $1mill. missiles which can do the job from 60 miles away (Yesssss stupid Top gun)?

you you you youre a star trek geek!!!!!!!!!!!! *washes mouth and fingers with soap n water* My god the line in unmitigated bullshit you can still sling!!!! I instantly thought of that poster you had in your room at uni about being somewhat of a bullshitter myself but occasionally enjoy listening to a real expert.

Beth darling it is a known fact my brain thinks too much. I cant stop it. Ive tried brain damage, Ive tried alcohol. *sigh* Ive tried extreme emotional trauma (hah I still look for her on amateur porno sites on the principle she has pissed off poeple not as principled as moi LOL)

N btw
hi kassi thanks for commenting on my blogg it is great to get new people occasionally!