Saturday, November 05, 2005

hmmm spooky

Just DAYS after I rant about stupid documentaries, mentioning the sublimely gorgeous Dr Bettany Hughes as an exception guess what is on the ABfrigginC this afternoon? Her doco on The Spartans! As I had no TV guide for this week I didnt know it was on!
Firstly SHE does all the voice-over and in front of camera work, secondly EVERY sentence has fresh information in it. In other words she doesnt spend half the show rehashing SHIT mentioned 60 times before. You snooze you lose. And she actually A knows what she is talking about n B sounds like she loves it. I think there is barely a wasted minute in her doco. Maybe the horseriding scene right at the end - though she both looks good as you can think on a horse AND she was segueing into next weeks' installment which will no doubt mention Spartan women and their propensity for raising horses. So it was kinda appropriate anyway AND very 'in'. Students would get it. This is a show for people into the topic who will likely never get the chance to actually GO there as the visuals are fantastic.

*sigh* She isnt hard on the eyes either *grin*

Ive just read what would HAVE to qualify as the worst edited novels I have EVER held in my hands. Each one has at least 4 spelling errors on EACH page. Each page has contextual spelling errors too. Thats what I call it when they spell the word correctly but it is clearly (from the context) the wrong word eg 'I decided I was being taled (instead of 'tailed' - followed)' simple shit. An obviously illiterate editor. Some of the mistakes look/feel like a dumb shit editor thinking the writer fucked up when he really didnt and hence making changes unneeded by the context. WEird. Two in a row. The first one was from a bloke who has English as a first language. I suspect the second one has it too.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

So you got to drool over the lovely Dr Hughes huh? Lucky you.

Do I need to bother asking you if you've read any Kathy Reichs' novels? After the comments below on the tv thing and mentioning about the trace evidence and not taking photographs first etc, I've a feeling you've already read them lol

If you haven't, I think you should...I've another feeling you'd enjoy them.