Wednesday, October 19, 2005

so heres the thing

so I get roasted for not writing much n what do I go n do?
not write much!

I know i know

But Ive been down at mums' (200kms away) helping the master of peugeots (dad) fix the stupid arsehole cheap shit clutch n bearing some previous dickhead decided to fit instead of genuine quality parts. arsehole. someone (who obviously sniffed a profit) decided that (during the stewardship of the previous owner) my car needed to have the gearbox out n 'fixed' This is a DECIDEDLY (i know I'm using the word a lot) rare procedure on a peugeot. Unless youre a moron who puts auto fluid in a manual box (seen that - couldnt believe it n they STILL got the nearly 400kms to our dealership b4 it expired). So while they had the box out they changed the clutchplate, pressure plate and the bearing. With cheap shite. There was probably ZERO wrong with the original stuff.

anyway when you dont have a hoist or a pit you spend a LOT more time laying on your back in weird angles than would otherwise be the case with this job. When you no longer have an engine hoist you cant do it the easy way n unbolt the engine n get it out of the way. We basically had to make it up as we went along as the factory workshop manual assumes you have stuff we no longer have :/ damnit.

so thats where Ive been the last week n it is where I'll be til next monday most likely as I will go to a swap meet with dad on the weekend n friday n monday will be shakedown stuff to make sure nothing falls off etc.

Kassi darling I hope ya back like ya said.
I miss talking to ya - only sane person I know (I am having doubts about young Lisa.... JOKE JOKE)
Ima try figuring out how to set those settings to piss off those spammer dickheads too when I get home.

Rocky you unmentionably ugly man... I dont drink anymore. I am worrying about you mate you seem to have the red wine on the brain lately. n no i dont drink any less either heh


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Kassi said...

Wow ... I'm the first REAL person to leave a comment !!!

Don't think I've ever been anyone's first before :P

Yep, am indeedy back. And it's good to see you too ... was starting to wonder, if not worry a tiny bit, as to where you'd gone.

Catch you later :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

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Lisa said...

Are you saying I'm a joke Mongoose?? :-P If I try really hard and I take the right medication, I can be very sane too!

Wish I could spend a week with my parents, just a week mind you, I'm sure we'd start getting on each other's nerves if it were any time longer than that lol