Friday, October 28, 2005

IIIIIIIIIII'mmmmmmmm baaaaaaaaaaaaackkkkkkkk

Well the car is finally fixed! yay me (n dad).
It has taken me THREE WHOLE $@%^%!~%!% days to get rid of all the bullshit email spam on my isp (!!!) There was so much the server wouldnt let me log on n d/l it all. Or sumffin. I dunno. Just took ages. Kept crashing n shite. So today is the first day it appears stable enough to even think about downloading some pron n updating the blog.

You'll note Ive added word verification to the comments section. Real people shouldnt have a problem with it. (that means you Lisa)

I think the extended semi holiday did my squash some good as I played Tuesday night, WEdnesday night n again yesterday n I dont think Ive hit the ball better since I started playing again. good solid contact through the shot n I seem to be timing it better. Felt like I was 24 again (remember those floggings I gave you rockape? hmmm? those lil floggings? yeah.. Notice I wasnt stupid enough to try playing footy with you though!!)When I was 24 I think I was playing about as well as I can remember - I was taking a former professional to 5 sets every game so it was all good heh. Of course I am not getting around as well as I did then but atleast I feel like the ball is going where I want it to now.

While I was away I went to two swapmeets with dad. I sold 100% of the stuff I took - to wit - one helmet, and one set of 2 piece race leathers (motorcycle leathers). I threw in a set of plastic wetweather oversuit with the leathers (deal clincher n I was only gonna ask about $10 for em anyway) so I rule. heh

WEll I'm tapped for now.
anyone wants to suggest something for me to get on my soap box about feel free eh.


Lisa said...

*dances around yelling* I'm a REAL person! I'm a REAL person!

I've been having a major problem with pop-ups continuously leaping about on my screen, it's driving me potty. Ah well...I'll get rid of them eventually I guess lol

xkzekwqj (real person stuff right there!)

Kassi said...

Good to have ya back :)

Mongooser said...

yeah yeah rocky
repeated, consistent, constantly placed in the nick jagarsed drop shots .
I seem ot recall giving you 14 n me starting on -5 n the games being first to 15 n winning like 9 outa 10 :P

n i wasnt old n wheezy I was 24

ya carn