Tuesday, November 07, 2006

well well well

Is this a fancy typewriter or what?
Oh its a computer...
I remember these.
Ive been wandering about Windsor relearning where everything is etc.
My best mate has recruited me for his cricket team. Played my first game in 8 years last weekend (and this weekend - played over 2 weeks) did ok fielding. Scored 59 with the bat (TOP SCORE me)which was fantastic. We lost by 9 runs which was great given 2 of our batsmen didnt bother showing up. Played with a bat I paid $2 for at a Salvation Army store. Wicked - I didnt want to ruin my good ($35) bat I bought 2nd hand at a market in Melbourne, as it was raining off and on all weekend.

It is a bit tough getting online at the me as I cant tie up the phone here and late at night I have just been too darned tired to log on.

Mums' dog is such a cack. She is a 3 yo blonde labrador. She near turns inside out with excitement when you say the word 'walkies'. What is funny is MY dog gets rather snooty if HE doesnt get to go for a walk too. He has a sore back leg, is rather overweight, and getting on a bit but walk out without HIM n check out the filthy looks he gives. Mums' dog is slowly learning (from me) that treats arent a right but a privilege which she must take nice n delicately or she doesnt get them.also learning to heel on the lead n sit etc. She gets let run wild by the parents unfortunately.

We got rained out of a local swap this weekend. Glad we didnt drive a long way to go to it.


Anonymous said...

hey you :)

Kassi said...

(Huggles and smooches !!!!)