Monday, July 24, 2006

So anyway After I thought i was gonna die...

god Ive been sick

Since friday Ive lost 6 kilos (14ish pounds to the americans). Went to the hospital today. They sent me home 'nothing we can do - youll get over it'

Truth be told I am actually feeling a bit better tonight.

Had a revisit of the gastrointestinal upset I had in May. Murderous. Im surprised noone has actually died from it so far.

Im sorry I havent been blogggin much but stuff keeps getting in the way lately.
The gurl has to go down to sydney to see a neurologist next tuesday as the one up here cant fix her. We have been running about with that for weeks now.

Went to a swapmeet with dad last weekend. 6 hour drive in our new (old) falcon wagon. Rained for TWO WHOLE DAYS then stopped the day the swap was actually on. Sweeeett.

too weak to type anymore seeyas soon I hope

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Oh, I didn't realise you'd posted earlier this week, I would've been in here a lot sooner otherwise. I'm glad to hear that you are at least well enough to be upright now. And hopefull by now (all these days later after the date of this post) you are feeling even better.

I'm SO glad you didn't die, but I might appreciate it if you came here and gave me a kiss so I can lose 6 kilos in such a short space of time.

I'M ONLY KIDDING! I really don't want to feel as miserable as you have with this gastro thing, but I always need all the help I can get when it comes to losing weight lol

Take care of you and the gurl. Hope all goes well in Sydney. Let us know.