Wednesday, March 15, 2006

rant rant rant or mebbe not...

so how bout them Oscars eh?
Not only do movie star types get PAID criminal amounts of money to play dress up they even get to wank all over each other at big awards nights that appear to be all about telling each other how friggin wonderful each is.
The blokes are somewhat lucky though - cant reaaaaally kill a tux eh. Poor women - knowing they might get savaged by some fat ugly womens magazine editor over the dress they wore or didnt (as the case may be). Mind you some of them deserve it! Just cuz youre rich n famous n arent even paying for yer dress doesnt seem to mean some women can manage to look decent. Puzzling. Surely there must be SOMEONE in their entourage with the balls to say 'err umm look err that really really really REALLY looks crap on you'
I wonder what drives them to seem to seek such an excess of approval from their peers. After all some of them command exhorbitant money to appear in a film. Why this need to have a little weird statue on the mantle? Who decided Woody Allen was funny? Why is Pamela Anderson still even IN the industry? Who thought Jennifer Annistons' 'i'll brush it straight' was the greatest thing since the push up bra? Who decides 'so and so is gorgeous' when to most seeing people they clearly arent?

So here are my fave hollywood chicks n yeah some are purely local not hollywood at all... (in no particular order)

Ashley Judd. hot hot hot
Eva longoria ditto
Catherine Zeta Jones - Michael douglas i hate you.
Rachel Wiesz (is that how her name is ssspelt?)
rene Russo smokinnnnnnnnnnnnn
Catherine Bell - make a corpse stand up n salute
Toni Perrin - she gets cuter as she gets older
Kerryn Johnston - Win Tv newsreader. So hot she doesnt even know it
Channel nines weather girl (dont know her name but she is gorgeous).
The last 2 are near enough to the only blondes youll find in my list.
ahh lol Erica Rose (ok ok playmate of the year last year) she can come lick me all over whenever she feels it is necessary. lol
The woman who plays sam carter in Stargate SG1.. wow another blonde! Shes so cute.
Jenny Hawkins... Miss Universe is the girl next door (wish i lived next door to her!) n not only is she a feast for male eyes she seems a genuinely lovely person.

the thing to note i guess is that withthe exception of erica rose none are under 30 near as i know. N blondes arent high on my list. No redheads is rene russo a redhead?... mainly i think cuz i cant think of any right now damnit. love redheads. scarily the only ones i can think of are cartoons!


thats my blokeyness for the week done. god damn erica rose is pretty i think what i like about her is she isnt your typical 'slutty' type you get in magazines masqquarading as attractive - most thin chicks with boob jobs, blonde hair n make up can be fiddled into being presentable n sold (figuratively) to the average slob as 'hot' imogen bailey fer example - my GOD her jaw line is bigger than the whole Broncos front row!! erica rose can DO slutty (what do you think i do on the internet??) but she can also do 'girl next door' rather convincingly.

I have to see a cardiologist on friday. Nothing major - just an exercise stress test n spirometry (whatever that is) to see why my lungs seem to pack it in under load. I should be getting aerobically fitter after 12 months at the gym n I dont seem to be. the actual passage of air through my bronchiols hurts at full load.
seems to me mebbe I shoulda given up smoking many years ago. though 4 qualifies as 'many' doesnt it?? hell... itll be 5 in june. N yes Im one of those reformed smokers you HATE to have around when youre smoking. I f u c kin HATE the smell of cigarette smoke now. It makes me physically ill. I mean in the sense i come close to tossing the ole cookies out the window. The gurl says daily 'id kill fer a smoke' but as she has social phobias which prevent her just up n going to buy any smokes she isnt about to take it up again - besides which she knows I'd have her bags packed n an advert in the paper 'roomm available, must be female, MUST be non smoker, MUST be reasonable to look at as some sexual molestation to be expected, squash player looked at extra favourably'.
I dont understand how after over 2 years without a smoke she can still be getting cravings. Mine died away totally after 6 months n were basically gone after 4 weeks. After 6 months all i felt was revulsion. I havent had the flu since i gave up. I dont cough up yellowy brown phlegm while showering. I dont need my asthma meds anywhere near as much (well...DERRRRRRRR yeah yeah i KNEW it was suicidally stupid).
Most of the time I can breathe much better. My breath, clothes, house n car dont STINK like an ash tray. I dont avoid paying bills, buying food, shit like that so i can get a pack of smokes. I am no longer a slave to some fat american businessman who should be put up against a wall n shot.
speaking of which
So they did a survey in USA did they?
Not happy with dubya eh? not happy with the war in Iraq eh? Petrol is a bit dearer eh?
YOU shower of shite VOTED for him YOU shower of shite allowed his illegal manipulation of your innane voting system. YOU shower didnt bombard your senators n congressmen when he decided to go into Iraq. So WHO THE FUCK IS TO BLAME??? Every single person who voted for the prat is who. Blame yourselves. the stupid ignorant butt stupid american voter. Yes the whole world is held hostage to the fortunes of a nation whos citizens cant even find new mexico on a map n think they need their PASSPORT to go there. Who cant work out an exchange rate of 2 local dollars fer every one american dollar (couldnt fuggin BELIEVE that). Look dickheads... just go to the local bureau de change n CHANGE YOUR AMERRICAN MONEY for the local stuff n you (read this carefully a couple of times so it sinks in) DONT HAVE TO SWEAT 'how much is that in US Dollars??'

Oh n while im bashing yanks
amongst the reasons the world hates you

you consume (and WASTE) per person more food in a day than most people on the planet see in a week.
You whine like whiney little whiney things when your petrol gets to the equivalent of 50c per litre when the rest of the civilised world is paying $1.30 - 2.50 depending where you are.
You love affair with SUVs just pisses EVERYONE off. They are huge asshole attracting dickheadmobiles which are wasteful of fuel and other precious resources that you whine about the shortage of! If you stopped buying the fucking things you could save LOTS of money on fuel every DAY. You can build THREE midsized saloons with the materials in one piece of crap dodge ram or ford F series.
in other words youre greedy whingers who think the rest of the world was put there to serve you. You countenance lying cheating and back stabbing as part of your political process and look horrified when other nations express a lack of interest in importing your perverted brand of democracy.

all hail the westminster system. At least OUR pollies have some degree of accountability. At least the people making decisions in Australia, UK, NZ are VOTED in by a majority of the citizens in general elections. Not appointed by some bribed, bought, gutter type who has backstabbed n influence peddled his way to the presidency. N IF someone like that gets in as prime minister then thank FUCK we have a governor general who can look at the situation calmy n say well' as the representative of the crown it is MY job to look after the interests of the PEOPLE (which is the role of the crown after all - to see to the welfare of the people) n dismiss a government acting illegally. Which is something the damned republicans dont seem to understand. Where is the oversight going to come from? We sure as shit dont want the american model here.

Beth dear if ya read this i still luvs ya mate its just some of yer countrymen shit me. remember youve been housetrained. lol

1 comment:

Kassi said...

It's great to have you back in full vent-rant-mode :)

I miss chatting to you ... pity our schedules clash. This whole having a job thing is really getting in the way of my online chatting :(