Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Red lights mean STOP GODDAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!

I live in Bathurst in New South Wales' central tablelands (from Sydney... head west over the mountains, drive fer a while n hey presto sunny Bathurst).

Now by and large it is a nice enough place to live. People are mostly friendly, plenty of shops, maccas, etc free squash, nice parks, lotsa pubs (if you drink), free squash, cheaper rent than Oberon n oh yes did I mention free squash?

It is only 2 hours from my parents place which is nice. It is only 30 minutes from Orange, which is nice.

It is home to probably more red light runners than any other rural city in the western world (i reckon you expect shit like that in India n Derkderkistan etc).
Red light running is one particular bad habit that gets right up my nose. If I was one of those punch people n think later types I suspect I woulda clocked an even hundred separate people since living here, all for going through red lights.

The way I look at it is those fucking MORONS are trying to KILL me. It isnt like the light is amber. No i mean stone cold red. I mean *I* have a GREEN light. I'm not even talkng about that dead zone when their light is red and my light is red. I mean I get green, pause, look again, THEN go n STILL nearly get murdered by some arsehole in a hurry. Tip... LEAVE EARLIER.

Now you'd think the cops might have something to say wouldnt you?
Well I near got cleaned up by someone turning against the red the other night. But get this... they cut across in front of us near wiped us out (we had the green to turn right) BUT ALSO turned in front of a patrol car which was ALSO running the red light but proceeding straight across the intersection in the opposite direction from them!! Did the cops pull em up? hell no. fuckers nearly killed me n the victim (coming home from squash) AND themselves AND 2 cops n get off scott free.

The situation that scares me most though is the damn trucks. I see one run the red EVERY DAY. thats 30 - 50 tonnes of metal going through a light that is so red it is almost green again. Ive seen one run a light with cars IN THE INTERSECTION! What The Fuck was that bloke thinking?????????

When the revolution comes...
after the lawyers
n the politicians
n the drunk drivers
red light runners.
It'll go something like this...
*siren siren*
up out of the car
'who me?'
yeah shithead you
'whatd I do *smirk*'
tried to kill 15 innocent people BLAM BLAM BLAM
nothing to see here folks just making sure that prick wont ever hurt anyone ever again.


I actually tink there should be a national system whereby people (like me fer example) have authoritah to rip someones' licence up on the spot for being morons on the road.
I have no real problem with people speeding IF certain conditions are met:
don't do it around schools or where kids are playing - they dont grow brains til they are at least 20.
dont do it during peak hour etc
hell just not on suburban streets
dont do it if their are ANY other cars about

Its the dickheads who change lanes without looking, turn in front of your red car with the lights on then say 'i didnt see you' THATS CUZ YOU DIDNT LOOK YA FRIGGIN IDIOT. people who NEVER indicate (youd follow someone for a bit after their first non indication) cuz damn that shits me too. I am not a mind reader i dont KNOW you live in that street. Anyone doing anything stupid. Anyone who are obviously too busy with other things to drive their car safely (teenaged girls look out - its a tonne of metal do you understand?? its NOT a fucking BARBIE DOLL).

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR i reckon I could do 100 peoples' licences a day n STILL not get through em all.

1 comment:

Kassi said...

I'm sure my car has an invisibility shield surrounding it ... how else can I explain the idiots who pull out in front of me with no warning ... idiots towing TRAILERS no less !!! There's barely enough room for a freaking CAR, let alone the extra ten feet they're pulling out the back. Oh yeah ... and it's not just cars, it's TRUCKS with trailers too. I already drive with my lights on ... what else can I do ?!?!?