Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Paranoia ... or ...Sharynn wheres my *insert missing item here*???

That was a total Black Sabbath reference btw in case you lot missed it.
Well, And Ozzie Osbourne.

You'll no doubt have noticed, loyal reader, I have the odd little grievance with advertising here n there.

Now a bloke wouldnt wanna be paranoid but...

Ive had a whinge about Carlton draught beer adverts telling us their customers are sad unreliable morons.
Their advert changed about a week after that blog to one showign their customers as intelligent engaging people. Interesting.

Hyundais monster advert... gone the week i posted on it.

2 days after commenting to the gurl that i cant stand the voice over guys voice in the macdonalds advert it is replaced by a nice sounding womans' voice.

Sitting watching the football n I'll say something TOTALLY obtuse about something n 3 minutes later the commentators say the exact same thing.

The last mentioned happens ALL the time.

I think theres a bug in my head or in some item of clothing etc, praps one iof my squash rackets.
I know youre listening
you bastards
when you change the damned adverts the Least you could do is leave a note in the message section of my blog saying 'hey we never thought of it thqat way thanks'
AND BLOODY PAY ME for the consult ya bastards
And next advert run it past me for a modest fee ya dopes.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

just a quicky

Some dopey (heh) TV news team in Melbourne sent a bloke over to Indonesia to cover the drug arrests of some very very stupid Australian drug smugglers (if you did it you get what you bloody deserve ya stupid stupid people).

The bloke they sent over?
his name?
this is a mastercard moment folks (priceless in other words)

Justin Hale

sport *sigh*

So the funniest thing on the sports news this week was:

New Zealand beats south africa (this is the voice over)in the tri-nations tournament last night thus keeping their hopes of a tri nations finals berth alive!!

keeps their hopes alive?? youre kidding right?
the only team who hasnt won a bloody match is Australia. Heres a tip tv guys...
the tri nations final series will be between South Africa and New Zealand. The third team (Australia) hasnt a snowballs' hope in hell of reaching the finals - to do that you actually have to WIN sometimes.

so good on the bloody poms for winning another test match. yay England
they played VERY well - nearly all of them played their best cricket.
They STILL nearly got beaten by an Australian team who were playing so far below their best I felt like NSW could have beaten them.
I think nearly everyone who is commenting on the ashes seems to be losing sight of that fact. Australia are NOT batting well nor are they bowling particularly well either. N if we could hold a catch itd be nice. and we STILL only lost the 2nd test by TWO runs. To put it in perspective if each of our top order batsmen made just ONE more run each in EITHER inning we would have won the 2nd test. This in a test where it is admitted we played poorly.
They NEARLY lost the 4th test too.
Lets not get carried away by the hullaballoo - they NEARLY lost the 4th test. That after being 258 runs ahead on the first innings. Again if our top order made just say 5 runs each extra I think England would have looked silly. I know its easy to say 'only 5 runs each extra' blah blah but look at it overall its not much per player is it?
The other factor which has to be looked at is at least 3 totally dodgy leg before wicket decisions. Ponting hit it. Martyn hit it (damn near off the middle) n katich was well outside leg stump. 3 wickets which were not out.They werent tough calls either they were pretty damn clear. England has had much the better of the close umpiring calls this series. And in my opinion been the happy recepients of some downright bloody shocking calls.

when England beats us by an innings n 200 runs a couple of times then they can get cockahoop. So far theyve been lucky as cats with nine lives. Look at the first test folks - we won that one by 240 odd runs. Yeah... a flogging. Look at their two wins - 2nd test by TWO runs, 4th test by 3 wickets.

So I say again
Australia has played poorly (we have had 2 players playing well n 9 not), England has 10 players performing and one not (the keeper is a putz) and they STILL nearly lost BOTH the tests they won. Note that nearly LOST them - not nearly ended up a draw - Australia were a lick n a SPIT away from winning both from behind. This is no dominant performance - England have avoided (on my rough calculations)by about 75 runs being on the end of a 3 nil drubbing. In other words - if Australia got 2 more runs in the 2nd test we win. If we got maybe 70 more in the 4th test we win. Indeed in the 4th test I think 20 runs might have been all that was needed - we were WELL in the tail after all. They only won by 3 wickets. Thats after having to chase 129 for the win. Yeah. Not many to get and they STILL nearly tripped over at the line.
Basically if Australia gets a decent 1st innings in the 5th test n the umpires dont give inside edges out LBW we should bloody win it easily.

Red lights mean STOP GODDAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!

I live in Bathurst in New South Wales' central tablelands (from Sydney... head west over the mountains, drive fer a while n hey presto sunny Bathurst).

Now by and large it is a nice enough place to live. People are mostly friendly, plenty of shops, maccas, etc free squash, nice parks, lotsa pubs (if you drink), free squash, cheaper rent than Oberon n oh yes did I mention free squash?

It is only 2 hours from my parents place which is nice. It is only 30 minutes from Orange, which is nice.

It is home to probably more red light runners than any other rural city in the western world (i reckon you expect shit like that in India n Derkderkistan etc).
Red light running is one particular bad habit that gets right up my nose. If I was one of those punch people n think later types I suspect I woulda clocked an even hundred separate people since living here, all for going through red lights.

The way I look at it is those fucking MORONS are trying to KILL me. It isnt like the light is amber. No i mean stone cold red. I mean *I* have a GREEN light. I'm not even talkng about that dead zone when their light is red and my light is red. I mean I get green, pause, look again, THEN go n STILL nearly get murdered by some arsehole in a hurry. Tip... LEAVE EARLIER.

Now you'd think the cops might have something to say wouldnt you?
Well I near got cleaned up by someone turning against the red the other night. But get this... they cut across in front of us near wiped us out (we had the green to turn right) BUT ALSO turned in front of a patrol car which was ALSO running the red light but proceeding straight across the intersection in the opposite direction from them!! Did the cops pull em up? hell no. fuckers nearly killed me n the victim (coming home from squash) AND themselves AND 2 cops n get off scott free.

The situation that scares me most though is the damn trucks. I see one run the red EVERY DAY. thats 30 - 50 tonnes of metal going through a light that is so red it is almost green again. Ive seen one run a light with cars IN THE INTERSECTION! What The Fuck was that bloke thinking?????????

When the revolution comes...
after the lawyers
n the politicians
n the drunk drivers
red light runners.
It'll go something like this...
*siren siren*
up out of the car
'who me?'
yeah shithead you
'whatd I do *smirk*'
tried to kill 15 innocent people BLAM BLAM BLAM
nothing to see here folks just making sure that prick wont ever hurt anyone ever again.


I actually tink there should be a national system whereby people (like me fer example) have authoritah to rip someones' licence up on the spot for being morons on the road.
I have no real problem with people speeding IF certain conditions are met:
don't do it around schools or where kids are playing - they dont grow brains til they are at least 20.
dont do it during peak hour etc
hell just not on suburban streets
dont do it if their are ANY other cars about

Its the dickheads who change lanes without looking, turn in front of your red car with the lights on then say 'i didnt see you' THATS CUZ YOU DIDNT LOOK YA FRIGGIN IDIOT. people who NEVER indicate (youd follow someone for a bit after their first non indication) cuz damn that shits me too. I am not a mind reader i dont KNOW you live in that street. Anyone doing anything stupid. Anyone who are obviously too busy with other things to drive their car safely (teenaged girls look out - its a tonne of metal do you understand?? its NOT a fucking BARBIE DOLL).

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR i reckon I could do 100 peoples' licences a day n STILL not get through em all.

Sunday, August 21, 2005


tomorrow morning I find out if I am gonna be on the jury
Hope so
I need the cash cash cash!! hah

may mean I get to go to the thursday evening aqua aerobic class too..The instructo took us for wednseday (filling in). shes cute assssssssssss thats 'as' not arse though there was nought wrong with that either!

Alas kassis man was dead right on saturday morning
He said South Africa would flog us in the rugby n he was right. Is their no end to the mans' predictive talents? They called the All Blacks game result too.
Answer? Back anyone we are playing at the moment i think even the bloody YANKS would have a chance these days (god that hurt to write).
Least we have the best squash player i nthe world still
hes number 3?
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :/

I still have a sore wrist but bugger it ima play squash when I get the chance.
Played on friday night n enjoyed the increased speed n agility I put down to the recent aquatic activities. Zip not sloth what a wonderful feeling.

The local high school burnt to the ground on friday night (these two occurances are not related except by date). We live only 200m away n could almost feel the heat from it as it really got going. Talk about hundreds of rubberneckers!! Cars lined up for hundreds of metres. Made it hard for the emergency services to get to the site too.


Have a good weekened and or week

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

chlorine sucks

we have been doing aqua aerobics this past couple of weeks at the new pool at our gym n frankly they use far too much chlorine dont they eh

bloody hell it dries out your skin
I know now why I thought I had skin allergies for most of my life. It was the stupid chlorine in the stupid pools i was swimming in all the time (I used to be a pretty fair swimmer). Since I stopped swimming I havent had the itches. Now I am swimming again i have the itches again :/ oh misery
N b4 you lot laugh at the sad guy doing aqua aerobics think about it im the only bloke in a class generally averaging 6 or 7 all wearing swimsuits. Now sure - a couple are oldies, but theres ALWAYS at least one good perv. So suffer in ya jocks
Have you ever noticed the vacuous looks new mothers have?
*tap tap* anything going on there?
thatll get something going


Did you know muscle weighs 2.5 times the same amount of fat?
No wonder I'm struggling to lose weight the muscle is slowing me down
I leg pressed 240 kilograms today. multiply by 2.2 for the North americans
I felt pretty good about that in case you were wondering. Had some young blokes having a laugh while they watched me putting the weight on. They stopped laughing heh.

petrol at $1.25 per litre yay
when the revolution comes ima stand some commodities traders against a wall methinks.
You have to ask about stockmarket manipulation sometimes eh. the only people doing any good out of it are stock brokers n oil companies. fuck em i say.
I reckon too if you own stock in the damn company n it goes tits up YOU are the one who should friggin put your hands in your pockets not the poor bloody tax payer. YOU own it YOU cough up. Happy enough to take the dividends when they come arent you?
There'd be a set of rules about how long before you could offload too -stop the quick in n out profit takers. bastards.

Roll on monday when I get to do my duty as a citizen n hopefully be enrolled in a jury in a criminal case *fingers crossed, legs crossed etc* Ive wanted t be on ajury since i was old enough to understand what it meant. Seems like the sorta thing they should ask you when you enroll to vote. Then wade through the yes responses.

I just emailed Milford Walpoff again. Ifg ya dont know who he is I'm not devoting time to explaining. I dont need the bloody born again illogicals reaming me out with their 2000 year old clap trap.
Hope he answers.

Hope Ive upset a few people

hope I stop itching soon

Monday, August 08, 2005

GRRRRRRRRRRRR stupid brain

I'm having one of those weeks

Every time I sit down then say to myself 'next time you're online look up*****'

I will be buggered if I can remember what it is I want to look up. And it is important 'not change the world important ok... but it IS something I wanna knowwwwwwwww.. *sniff*

Driving me nuts...

I've looked up whether the exwife has come to a nasty end (no curses).
I've looked up all the side effects of zyloprim n nowhere is 'euphoria' listed so thats weird.
I've just now remembered I wanna email Alinta (squash racket manufacturers) n berate them for not supplying grommets etc - but that wasnt it either.
No it wasnt porno rocky ya smartarse you can sit back down.
Hell it kept me awake while trying out my new TentCot. How cool is that btw. Its a camp bed with its own lil tent n rainfly. It all folds up nice n flat n its comfy too. I acquired it for going to swapmeets with my father. He has a nice bed set up in his wagon. I get to kip whereever I can. In the past this has involved the trailer (no go), under the tables (stupid idea that), on the front seat of the car, on the back seat (I'm juuust too tall for both), on the ground (not as young as I was). Got sick didnt I? now i have my own bed n shelter. Good on me.

I know I should write ti down so I dont forget (next time I remember it that is).
but I have tried that b4. Result? lost notebook. yeah yeah I know..

Kassi you should play squash mdear tis the noblest game of all after test match cricket. I had my favourite racket returned to my tender care this week fonally. It was being repaired n restrung. I had to put one of the others in for a restring too but given I paid $5 for it I'm not complaining heh. I now have 4 of that particular model with different strings n string tensions to suit how I feel n which planets are in conjunction (technical term).

Talking about cricket... Did australia nearly get out of gaol free last night or what? Damnit I now have to submit some form of condescending email to my pommy mate in Syndey about how well England played etc etc etc *pfft* oh the shame the shame. You New Zealanders can sit down n stop laughing right now. I say sack the top order now!!! If a number 9 can make 42 not out a bloody BATSMAN orta be able to do better than that!! for the poor southern Canadians (thats jargon for US citizens) just skip this bit it'll confuse your heads a touch. England bowled ok I suppose but hell it took them half the day to bowl out 3 tailenders so they cant have been bowling that well now can they? Bowl at the stumps fellas!!! bowl at the stumps. Holding catches helps too.
only lost by TWO lousy runs :/ not bad after 4 days play. It is about time England made a biiit of a contest of the Ashes (look it up - google 'The Ashes' n go with the links mentioning cricket). Gets boring winning every time its played for the last 20 years.

Well I still havent remembered what it is I wanna look up on google :/
You watch when i walk away I'll get to the kitchen n remember. Just in time to forget by the time I get back in here n log in (I'm on dial up - ppity me.. or send donations to 'Mongooses' broadband appeal' US dollars n Sterling gratefully nay piteously gratefully accepted - email me on for addressing) heh.
hope everyone had a good weekeend.