Sunday, April 08, 2007

happy easter god botherers

hey everyone
happy dancning about celebrating one of we pagans oldest festivals. The old men in skirts have claimed it i know but we all know better.

Ok bicycle riders... if you havent got registration and insurance, third party OR comprehensive, get the fuck out of my way on the road. Dont go swerving all over the place. Dont go assuming you have right of way just because YOURE on a bike. Wankers. Your bike is made of metal so it used resources to make. So shut the hell up. Smug bastards.

I read stupid TV Week most weeks. I wonder... I really do Whether they employ smart people.
Ms Editor type...
The REASON JAG always shows 'Zulu' time is cuz Greenwich Mean Time (IE 'zulu' time) is the time used by MOST military organisations around the world. Saves em having to piss about calculating time zones.
The ONLY people who think Neighbours and HOme and Away story lines arent freaking stupid are between the ages of 5 and 15. Be nice if you didnt rev up about the gormless pap every week.
Does ANYONE think 'Lost' is riveting entertainment? Have you noticed that noones lost weight? Noone has gone crazy from being on a bloody island and for other stupidities with this show see previous posts.
Did you comment on 'Prison Breaks' cast of thousands trying to bust out? Straw poll of most of the females I know shows 100% thinnk the 2 guys starring are scary ugly - not the bloody gods of appearance your lot think they are.
Greys Anatomy... hope I NEVER NEVER NEVER end up in a hospital like that. GImme scrubs any day. Ok i know they are entitled to show private lives etc but shit a brick. I'd FIRE every single one of them for being shit wits. Makes ya wonder how they would get through 10 years of medical learning cuz those folks have the attention span of fish.
Heroes.... the ads are enough. NOTHING happens. So who cares if they have super powers. Show has been on for weeks with nought but the cheer leader to perve on.
If they didnt flog shite like the next cheeleader rubbish mebbe itd die a natural, hopefully QUIET death.
Can someone kill Mcleods Daughters? please? Ive LIVED in a country town. Dont remember seeing hit men. More happens in that town and the town Blue Heelers was set in than happens in the damn CITY.
How about being a little critical of moronic story lines which IN REAL LIFE would be resolved in about 5 minutes? Not dragged out for 'days' of rubbish artificial 'tension' (as tense as abroken rubber band) whereby supposedly mature adults act in ways most parents would punish 5yos for.
As for knocking what would have to be my favourite comedy at the moment 'How I met your Mum' i mean give me a break . For years you girls have been banging on about guys n commitment. Finally theres a show where there are 2 couples who love each other, one character who is a bit of a player but who is given heaps by the OTHER males for his attitude. theres NO violence. There is no swearing. There is no gratuitous nudity (love to see both Coby Smulders AND Alyson hannigan naked however.. they could add some i reckon lol) there is no ' comes the joke folks' writing ala Friends and such like Its just a nice funny show. Its a show with characters I actually can identify with. They have ACTUAL jobs which they attend!!! They have actual jobs for which they actually appear competent. Miracle of miracles. They treat each other with respect. Amazing. Of course you dont like it. It doesnt have dozey women and idiot men whos only qualification is god knows what which shit scripts which treat every viewer like a moron. *gasp* ok got that off my chest.

Ive been doing a bit of voluntary work at a kennels. Not doing it any more. Sick of the owner treating me like a bloody moron. I mean... pick up dog shit and feed them. Aint hard. Clean pens. derrrrrrrrrrr Sick of telling the ownner that the actual permanent EMPLOYED bloke DOESNT feed em n DOESNT seem to care about cleaning their pens. So screw it. I can get treated like a moron anywhere.

Had a fight at Wooolworths yesterday. Waiting in line.... do de doo de doo. Woman walks up to the smokes stand outside the store (part of the store but ya dont need to actually go inside the shop) the check out chick turned to serve her immediately. I said to the girl ' you better NOT serve her first' She shrugged n the woman said 'oh thats fine I'll go to the tobacconist' I said ' good Woolies shouldnt be selling that shit anyway' I said to the girl ' you really think its fair Ive been standing here for 10 minutes in line n she gets served BY YOU wo are working the checkout *I* am waiting for before I do just because she walked up?? NOT RIGHT.
Ima start a campaign to get supermarkets to stop selling cigarettes.

Hey Radical scumbag muslims
YOU choose to come here. THIS is how WE LIVE. Love it or FUCK OFF back where you came from if you think its so good. We dont want your hate here. I know plenty of your coreligionists who are happy and proud to live here and good luck to them.

Glad David Hicks will be in gaol here. Not real sure how the Americans think they have the right to arrest an Australian in a FOREIGN country (NOT in America which would be fair enough if he broke laws there). Fact is he should be in gaol here. Should have been for 5 years. The bloke is a bloody moron. But I think he has given succour to the enemy which is what he should be charged with HERE. He should not EVER be subject to american military laws.

Hope our troops in Iraq have a happy Easter amongst the crazies. Heads down n remember your training fellas.

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