Monday, March 26, 2007

have you heard the one about the...

Played 6th grade on saturday and sunday. Semi final. As you can imagine if they had me in their team they must have been desperate for players. Made 7 b4 getting run out (spewing).

Guy who did most of their bowling was the fastest Ive ever faced. He hit the bat so hard it twisted in my hand and near broke my hand between thumb and finger. Shit it hurt. Hurt every time I hit the ball thereafter. Anyway we lost.

I think I am going to sand my bat back a little on the back so as to lighten it some .

the gurl is getting better from her seizure slowly. Seems the increase in dosage is working .
Aside from some random bruising here n there from cricket I feel pretty good meself.

Bugger all has happened here muchly. So not a lot to report. LEad a boring as shit life really.

1 comment:

Kassi said...

Am glad she's feeling better ... I know how helpless you can feel waiting for a so-called expert to work out how to fix it.

Glad to see you back in full rant mode :)