Monday, August 11, 2008

damn damn damn

Having trouble.
Every night as I come home from work (we are talking 1, 2 am here) I'm getting an overwhelming attack of the miseries. Start crying like a baby.
I miss Becky so bad.
I think I need some help :/


Iron Mike said...

That's no good at all.
It takes time. You never get over the loss but, with time, you get your life back. Things get back to practically normal, except for those anniversarys and birthdays and other reminders. Though, even then, you'll get so you can manage.

Appropriateness. Sorry but it is appropriate to grieve and have your ups and downs this close to your loss. Pity the poor souless bastards that never grieve and never love. What will be appropriate down the road is that you will have nearly all of your waking moments to go about your life without this misery. What hurt that remains is still a hurt but it is also your little monument to someone you loved and you wouldn't have it any other way. Just as they would't have you to remain miserable.
Time. In time it will become bearable. In time it will fade to the background while life sets you up for other losses and other joys.

Let us hear from you on the good days too.

Kassi said...

I'm sure I've asked for this before ... your phone number please hon :)