Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A funny thing happened on the way to the *insert place here*

Well boy howdy am I feeling better!!!!

My Peugeot bike now has functional brakes AND I repaired the rear derailleur. HEH that

involved a pair of multi-grips and some left arm strength. It looks like the bike on the right here. Darker blue and different handlebars but very similar otherwise.

My KHS FXT Trail (see above) is in at the shop getting its' first service.

They were going to charge me as I brought it in later than the 4-6 week window, however I pointed out, and they agreed, that I had clearly not used it much in the preceding period so they let me skate on it.

We went to see the Simpsons Movie on Sunday. Saw it at the drive in (easier for the gurls' access with the walking stick etc, and if she has a fit we are not in a cinema with the attendant hassles). I was rather disappointed. Frankly after the build up I thought it would be a LOT funnier. The funniest bit was 'spiderpig' which we had seen on the adverts. It was laid out differently to an episode - the series they start in one place and end up somewhere totally different. The movie was always going from here to there. It was rather predictable. Great graphics. It just wasnt funny. The Simpsons is supposed to funny. I won't be sad if i dont see it again. By comparison I really enjoyed The South Park movie. Actually wish to see it again. I can't believe I enjoyed the SP movie more than the Simpsons' movie. Homer is my life coach after all. I drove there chanting 'homer homer homer' heh

Had a carboot sale on saturday. WORST Carboot sale EVER. There was MAYBE 3 people turned up to buy stuff. However FIGJAM. I sold a heap of stuff... to other stall holders. Going to the HOlden day swapmeet on the weekend too. I have a set of wheels to suit holdens that are so big Im not sure how to gettem there. Think theyll sell though.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Nice wheels. Couldn't see the pics last time I was in here, just little red crosses.

I should have a carboot sale myself I reckon...I've just been mucking out the boys bedrooms, I can't believe how much stuff we've hoarded for them over the years. Still have a fully functional Tracy Island and all the Thunderbird figurines to go with it! Can't wait for the Sallies to come and collect it all on Tuesday.

Never been that interested in the Simpsons I'll admit. Shame the movie was a disappointment for you.