Sunday, December 17, 2006

back on the ole box

thats better
i have my desktop back finally

nearly didnt - dropped the monitor going out the door at mums' place n sprained my ankle in the process. Monitor is fine thanks for asking. Now i can type proper n see proper. stupid notebook
stupid 233
stupid little screen

ok this is a regional bitch i know but

goddamn if EVERY dickhead ive seen on the road lately is in a holden. Its like they have small penises or something
even the women
drive like shitewits n then whimper when they crash

My dog is getting a bit better on antibiotics thank the gods.
i dont think i was/am ready to wish him fairwell just yet.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

You sound oh so happy in your new place...sounds like you landed on your feet (ok, 1 foot anyways) well and truly, suits you brilliantly...that's great stuff!

Glad to read you've got your desktop back, shame you sprained your ankle in the process (the injuries are getting a bit ho hum with you though, it's what I expect these days lol). Wish you'd be more careful you great lout!

I'm so pleased to read that your dog is doing better...hope he continues along that way.

Lots of good kiwi vibes and hugs coming your way hun. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones *mwah*