Wednesday, July 09, 2008

So I went to the movies while at work...

Went to see Hancock at the movies in Sydney today. Hopped a 440 from Leichhardt at 920am, got there at 950, had something to eat n watched the movie at 1030, hit a 440 back n was at the depot again by 1pm.

Love this job. Did barely 2 trips this morning. At 2pm I have Work As directed until 1422. Then i do a 440 in to the city n a 440 out. N then go home. I love this job. Cute chicks, sitting on my arse, seeing movies n surfin the net. Wonderful wonderful life.

BTW Work As Directed means sitting on my arse for 2 hours unless a bus breaks down then I might drive a replace3ment out. wow hard stuff.

So how is everyone out there not reading my blog?


Iron Mike said...

Oh, I'm here. My head is swirling with images of shiny busses and city skylines, dark, air conditioned (Summer here) theaters and clean places to wait your time.

Then I wake up to the blazing sun, trail dust, huge, ghastly amounts of horse shit to shift, dripping sweat, cracked hooves, axel grease on new trousers, flies and did I mention loads of horse shit?
But I reckon I love my job too.
Try to keep out of the way of those balls---Mike

Smithy said...

I'm reading...I just can never remember my bloody password to get into this bloody thing!!!


P.S. You're a dirty old perv...But you're good at it! :)

Kassi said...

I'm reading ... just not so good on the commenting.

Come join me on facebook (this week's hobby) ... i'll send you a potplant and together we can save the planet's rainforests :)